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Monday, November 28, 2016

Baltimore County official rejects Trump's plan to deport undocumented students

Baltimore County police will not help President-elect Donald Trump deport undocumented students if the measure is undertaken at five county colleges, Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz said Monday.

Kamenetz pledged to support the efforts of the five colleges located in Baltimore County to protect the status of students who first arrived in this country as undocumented children.

Kamenetz sent a letter to the chancellor of the University System of Maryland, and the presidents of the Community College of Baltimore County, Goucher College, Stevenson University, Towson University and UMBC, saying that county police would not participate in any efforts to identify otherwise law-abiding students and subject them to deportation by federal authorities. Several Maryland university officials recently announced efforts to protect undocumented students from deportation.



  1. Arrest the school superintendents, and all that cover up this blatant illegal activity. I bet a couple of weeks in the county jail will change their minds.

  2. Just one more county to cut off federal money.

  3. These places no longer need Taxpayer funding. They can obviously stand on their own two feet without our support.

    And, Federal marshals can do their police work if they don't care to...

  4. Kamenetz must have political aspirations.

  5. Might be interesting to watch the first time riots break out and the National guard doesn't come!

  6. You are correct, 7:30 Am. He WILL be running for governor.


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