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Thursday, November 03, 2016

Bret Baier: Barring 'Obstruction,' FBI Will Indict

Citing sources at the FBI, Fox News anchor Bret Baier said the FBI’s renewed investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server will almost certainly end in an indictment, unless some sort of “obstruction” arises.

Baier made the claim Wednesday night during a broadcast of “On the Record” with Brit Hume. He said that a “lot of evidence” had been recovered from Anthony Wiener’s laptop, and made an eventual indictment appear very likely, even if it came months after the election.

“I pressed, again and again, on this very issue,” Baier told Hume. “These sources said, yes, the investigations will continues [sic], there’s a lot of evidence, and barring some obstruction in some way, they believe they’ll continue to, likely, an indictment.”


1 comment:

  1. Those are the key words, "barring obstruction" from Obama's Administration and then Hillary's, if she's elected, which would be by fraud if she is elected.


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