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Thursday, November 03, 2016

A suspicious wind in the election rigging

There’s no such thing as voter fraud, as the Democrats and right-thinking press mavens have been telling us for weeks, but some curious things are happening out there in flyover country. Some of the assurances that all is well on the old ship of state have been caught in what looks suspiciously like the rigging.

Early voters in Texas say the voting machines are flipping their votes. These voters marked their ballots for Donald Trump, and when the machines enabled them to review their work, the votes had been flipped to Hillary Clinton.

Votes for Republicans in down-ballot races were not flipped. No doubt a coincidence — it seems to be a law of the cosmos that votes are always flipped from Republican to Democrat — or it might be a clue to why Democrats have been growing increasingly confident that this year they will flip the state from reliably red to an unnatural shade of blue.



  1. Don't click the straight party (Republican) button. That's when most problems arise. Go through and vote for individual candidates.

  2. Florida has paper ballots that you mark the circle next to each candidate.


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