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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Wikileaks: Clinton Team's Sick Reaction to San Bernardino Terror Attack

As part of Sunday’s new WikiLeaks drop, an email chain shows that immediately upon receiving the news that the gunman responsible for the San Bernardino terrorist shooting that left 14 people dead and 22 injured had an Islamic name, top Clinton officials were unhappy and Hillary Clinton chairman John Podesta suggested it would be “better” if a person with an American name had done the shooting.

Matt Ortega, liaison for the Clinton campaign, began the chain by sending out a tweet from MSNBC host Chris Hayes with the email subject line “Tweet | NBC reports a shooter’s name.”

NBC News now reporting a US citizen named Sayeed Farouk believed to be one of the people involved in the shooting.

Karen Finney—spokesman for the Clinton 2016 presidential campaign and former MSNBC host wrote a terse response to this news:

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