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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Trump Car DESTROYED in Black Neighborhood (Social Experiment)


  1. Typical behavior of Hillary supporters. Some coward stole our Trump sign from our yard last week. They won't steal any Clinton signs because there are none out there.

  2. Clueless thugs. They are being controlled by all democratic politicians and establishment republicans. You get the government you deserve!

  3. some black people enjoy being held back, oppressed and whatnot. someone comes along to help them rise up and they attack and chase them away. they have been programmed by the dem party so long that's all they know.

  4. The level of ignorance is overwhelming.

  5. If these thugs had to think for themselves for a change, they would be totally lost. They no more know why they are trashing a Trump car than a man in the moon, They were told to do it. Their Black lives no more matter to me than what they did to that car. I hope they get arrested and thrown in prison forever.

  6. Let's see how loud they cry if Hillary wins. Boy will they be sorry. I will be one of the first to laugh at them and not give them a helping hand. They will get what they are asking for. (map)

  7. We mustn't call them thugs. Hillary called them super predators so that's what they should be called since the dumbest race on earth loves her so much.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Let's see how loud they cry if Hillary wins. Boy will they be sorry. I will be one of the first to laugh at them and not give them a helping hand. They will get what they are asking for. (map)

    October 18, 2016 at 1:03 PM

    I understand where you're coming from and letting them stew in their misery for a brief time may serve to educate them a bit. But we are all in this together and all of us needs a helping hand from time to time. We have to help each other from time to time if we are to survive.

    They want us to stay divided and at each other's throats. Don't fall for it. We have the power to defeat them, if we choose to use it.

  9. Wouldn't it be nice if they put this kind of effort into a job working for a living?

  10. its sad but I'm done donating to most charities, you know who it goes to, people like this

  11. they really think a car, even a car with trump stickers on it, causes their misfortune? they were like they are way before trump started his campaign, and probably way before this car was even made.

    when you get exhausted beating on inanimate objects, try beating on yourselves and actively try to figure out how to improve your lot in life. what you are doing here will not work and it hasn't worked for the 200-400 years you claim you were never given a chance to be successful.

    while it is true you were hindered in becoming a success, you do not have that excuse now nor have you had it for at least 50 years. you are your own worse enemy now. if you can be made to see that, postitive things will happen for you.


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