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Sunday, October 02, 2016

Who won the debate last night?

Take our poll!!  On the top left of the blog we put up a poll last night.  It will be open until midnight tonight!

The poll is now closed


  1. I don't think either of them won, in my opinion. They can't even act like adults and let the other speak without interrupting. Shameful. And I support Donald Trump by the way.

  2. Donald Trump is correct. She doesn't have the temperament. She had spent her entire life being a slave to a man. A man says jump and she's such an all obeying slave she jumps without question. She didn't have the guts to stand up to the middle eastern countries (men in control) where it's acceptable to beat women, kill gays and blacks and tell them to take their 'donations' and shove them. She's a weak pathetic shell of a beaten down woman who has always let a man control her and tell her what to do and say.

  3. NO ONE!! When are we going to understand we are ALL Americans and when you set an example of divide from two presidential candidates what do you expect from the masses

  4. All the talk about going be the biggest in history. I am Trump 100%, but thought it was the most boring I've seen in my many years.Fox is saying Trump won, I don't know...hope so.

  5. Not sure, they both looked silly. I know what didn't win.....clinton's ugly blinding red suit

  6. Trump won with one comment, about him being a womanizer, he wouldn't qualify that statement with her daughter sitting in the room. (U know horn dog William Jefferson right?)

  7. Trump tore her apart BUT why didnt he attack her on bengazi, clinton foundation,saudis, ect i guess he is saving it for Round 2 and 3.

  8. Trump ,hillary is a Fake.

  9. No one. Trump should have hammered her more on the emails, and when she said about testifying for 11 hours, he should have jumped her on "Testi-lying" that is what she did!

  10. As pointed out with one comment in my opinion when Obama is done and the fed raises interest rates the toilet will finally flush and chaos abounds

  11. As a Trump (actually conservative) supporter, I was disappointed in his performance. He uses the word "bigly" which is not even a word. He is better educated than that. To his defense, he is not a professional debater and she has done this 34 times. She has canned answers so comes off better prepared. I will still vote conservative but will bank on the idea that he will surround himself with true experts who will properly advise him unlike Obama who surrounded himself with those who maintained ideological slants.

  12. I am voting for Trump but was disappointed he did not get more into the e-mails, Clinton Foundation, Bengazi and her health. She seemed more relaxed but came across very fake, and pious.

  13. 10:42
    I noticed that too. However after I hit rewind and listened again he said "big league".

  14. 10:23
    So true...also, wish he had ask why she had to be drilled. She wasn't there because she is clean, getting off doesn't make her clean with everyone being paid in some manner to cut her loose.

  15. It was tag team match between Lester Holt and Hillary! He still won, even though the media stacked the questions against him, and Lester disputed some of Trumps statements. Lester should have done his job and shut his damn mouth and let just Trump and Hilary debate it out!! By him getting in the middle of the Birther issue and the criminal profiling to frisk suspicious people, he showed his extreme bias. More reasons not to trust the media at all for fair or balanced reporting on the news!

  16. Did not watch, but saw some coverage on the news. I did see a part where she used her ability to be interrogated by congress for lying as proof she has stamina to be president. That was truly priceless and a great finger poke in every American's eye.

  17. Asking questions was for the moderator not Trump. His job was to answer. Hillary on the other hand knew what the questions would be before they were asked.

  18. On presentation alone, hillary. Trump had difficulty with his presentation, but his policies he tried to convey are better. He hops around and gets sidetracked too much in his conversation style. He has a hard time sticking to a topic and finishing it.

  19. 11:20, They even admitted she was reading answers from her notes. Hmmmm

    1. Why didnt trup write down Bullet points to remember KEY questions ? And he needs to stop looking frustrated its Not presidential.

  20. The only thing positive that I see for Hillary is she was actually able to stand there for 1 1/2 hours and still walk off the stage!

  21. Trump won but was snagged on the ridiculous birther and frisk and search topics. It's so ridiculous how biased the media is.

  22. She must have forgotten the notes on her "plans" and her "accomplishments." All anyone heard was go to my website or read 'my book." The is the perfect example of being such a liar and a lifetime based in lies that you can't remember what lies you've told where.

  23. Hillary's droning on and on was unbearable and she had nothing to say.

  24. Dave T: I fell asleep and only caught highlights. But from what I have seen, I think WE the people are the losers because of the lack of details and clarity offered by both sides. Trump is clearly for the people, but it's a real shame how rehearsed and scripted Hillary is in order to best conceal her twisted ideology. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who will do a better job at running this country. If she wins, I believe we call bank on much, much harder days ahead, and we will deserve it for allowing such a kook to run this nation.

  25. You say she stood there for 1 and 1/2 hrs? Was that Hillary are her stand in????

  26. Stop and frisk is unconstitutional as a policy. There is no arguing that.

    This next part is going to sting all of the constitutional conservatives out there.

    In times of great need the Constitution can be suspended. Its called martial law. Our inner cities are in such turmoil that I think it is time to start asking the question, " Is it time to step in?" In cases such as Chicago and our own Baltimore I think the answer is yes and I would not have a problem with stop and frisk. We are losing control of our cities and if we do not do something they will be further over run.

    We need a leader that will use Martial Law fairly to further the American Agenda and not one that will use Martial Law to further oppress the people that pay taxes and make this country run.

    And if you happen to be in the group that pays no taxes and leeches off the system, well I don't really care about you. If you want equal treatment than make equal contributions and sacrifices like the responsible members of society.

  27. To be honest, one of the reasons I watched it was to see if Hillary could make it through the debate without some kind of health issue.

  28. Hillary had that look of someone who has just gotten a big hit of speed who would sound sharp and look good for a couple of hours before a terrible crash.
    Another (now long deceased) world leader had his physicians give him amphetamine shots to keep him going through his rapidly failing health. It ended with paranoid rants, gross tremors and eventual collapse.

  29. Remember, this is a 3 game series. Trump supporters will continue to be Trump supporters. In my opinion, he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. I personally believe he was calm and could have verbally destroyed HiLIARy a few times but chose not to. He didn't want to come off as being a bully like he has been accused of in the past. I think him being silent on a few things will actually help him in the long run of picking up undecided or independent voters. To me, I see him as more presidential for the next 8 years then her. I also think that this is strategy on his part because you know he was itching to get out the 'Crooked' tag on her. I think he is playing rope a dope with her and believe the Debate II and III he will throw the knockout punches on this lying, fake, greedy beeyotch.

  30. Hilary won. Trump was very smug concerning the issue of him not paying taxes for so many years. Don't see where that was being smart, as he said; if anything it was a very stupid remark. If you or I didn't pay taxes we would surely be in jail. Lester Holt should stick with reading the news because he did a piss poor job of controlling the debate.

    1. Trump would have paid more taxes if the tax laws said he should. He's only done what the law allows, unlike his opponent.

    2. I know when you do your taxes you try your best to get the most money back from the IRS . He took advantage of the laws ,that he looks to change , I always try to pay as little as possible, only what im required.

  31. I don't think either won. Her smug, superior smiling was obnoxious and Trump was too agitated and unprepared.

    If he goes to second debate, I think he will do better. He missed great opportunities to nail her on all the issues other commenters have mentioned.

  32. Hillary was better prepared, or rehearsed, but it's all the same talk we've heard for years with no action to back politicians' words. We're tired of talking heads in Washington who do nothing. That's why many are planning to vote for Trump. We hope for real change with an outsider.

    1. Yes she is the equivalent to a snake oil sales women! All lies.

  33. Hillary looked like she was high on drugs. Bobble head with an evil smile every time Trump spoke! You could tell she had been coached on how to act and what to say! That smile reminded me of the evil witch on the Wizard of Oz!
    She hinted at shutting down descent both foreign and domestic, which means she will try and stop all voices of criticism or opposition to her or her policy's. I see an evil dictator in the making!!!!
    A free society allows all viewpoints and opinions, no matter how radical they may be.

    1. She is like a robot programed to spread bull sh#t and lies!

  34. It was sickening watching Hillary go over everything she had rehearsed for. She acted like she had every question covered, with that s--- eating grin. I am for Trump 100%, but he needs to stand up straight when he is speaking and listening, and not make so many faces. Hopefully, he will work on that for the next debate. He can be the best in these debates.

  35. Maybe he allowed her to go dirty on the first debate, so he doesn't look pushy, maybe next time it will really be gloves off.

  36. Trump Won BigTime ! Hitting a Home Run With The Single Point ...You've Had 30 years To Do All These Things Your Saying You Would Do Now !!!...She's a Bold Face lier !!! MY god !!! Again...SHE HAD 30 YEARS TO DO THE RIGHT CORRECT THINGS FOR OUR COUNTRY !!! AND FAILED !! BIGTIME !!

  37. You don't have to be charismatic at telling lies to be president, like hillary. Trump is a passionate business man , with a mind for money, this what wr need! Keep pounding the podium. Spread the word, vote Trump for president!

  38. TRUMP won for taking the high road in the first debate while Hillary questioned what her team found on Trump. In debate #2, he can bring up Clinton's lies and criminal ways. Lets see how she defends her actions leading to murder, deceit and treason then!

  39. SO called MSM crys foul on trump possibly going to bring up bill and monica 30 yrs ago BUT hillary brings up a overweight latina 20 yrs ago.GO FOR HER TRUMP Round 2

  40. I think whoever 'won' is a matter of opinion. But I think I know who lost and that my friends are us. 300 million citizens in this country and this is the best we could narrow it down to?

    Think about this, ONE of these two will be our president. To me that is more concerning than any rude or mean comments Trump may make.


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