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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Viral sermon hints at God’s hidden purpose for Trump

'Would you vote for Cyrus the Great?'

A movement is sweeping quietly across evangelical Christian America, sparked by a minister asking a simple question: “Would you have voted for Cyrus the Great?”

The minister is Derek W.H. Thomas of the First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina.

His sermon – “I Am the Only God There Is!” – derives from Isaiah 45:22, which reads: “Look unto me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God and there is no one else.”

Reading from Isaiah, Chapters 44 and 45, Thomas evokes the historical Cyrus the Great, who ruled Persia from 559 to 530 B.C. Cyrus was renowned for defeating the Babylonian Empire and liberating the Jews from Babylonian captivity, re-establishing the city of Jerusalem and issuing a decree that the Second Temple should be built on the refurbished site of Solomon’s Temple.


1 comment:

  1. You mean the man the Iranians call "The Father"?


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