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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hillary off campaign trail for ‘drug holiday’?

Physicians detail evidence of Parkinson's disease

Has Hillary Clinton disappeared from the campaign trail because her physicians have temporarily taken her off of drugs to treat Parkinson’s disease?

That’s a question raised by Dr. Theodore “Ted” Noel, a retired anesthesiologist in Orlando, Florida, with 36 years experience who has a background in critical-care medicine.

Noel has produced new videos from recent Clinton appearances that he believes provides additional evidence to support his contention that Clinton is suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

“Is Hillary off the campaign trail because her physicians have put her on a drug holiday?” Noel asks, noting she also stopped campaigning for a prolonged period before the second debate.

“A ‘drug holiday’ is often prescribed for Parkinson’s disease patients,” Noel explained to WND. “The problem is that Parkinson’s patients need increased doses of their medication as the disease progresses.”

A drug holiday, he said, would “allow her physicians to get her drug-free for a while, so she can be on lower doses when the drugs are restarted.”



  1. IF Hillary needs a drug holiday, a visit to Crownsville mental hospital would help her out imensely.

  2. Rest assured she has a replacement.Find documentation of that & consider your life in grave danger.

  3. The people of this country need to know the ability of any future president to be able to handle the physical and mental challenge of the office. They should be subject to physical and mental examinations as well as drug tests by impartial panels.

  4. You know a month ago I was buying into this Parkinson's thing, now not so much, I believe she is just a cruel mad clinically mad individual, and the biggest control freak we have ever seen. She makes reality TV look tame.


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