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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Video: Hillary Clinton Approved Robert Creamer Plan Directly

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has released video evidence that left-wing organizer and high-level Democratic Party operative Robert Creamer is, in fact, linked directly to Hillary Clinton, who personally approved at least one of his disruptive tactics.

Last week, O’Keefe produced video showing Creamer, the co-founder of the Democracy Partners consulting group, and his colleague, Scott Foval, discussing their past and present efforts to incite violence at Donald Trump rallies and other events.

The stated goal was to create “anarchy” around Trump, presumably to make him less appealing to American voters. Foval described Democracy Partners as a contractor for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook tried to evade the controversy by denying a direct link between Creamer and the campaign.

When Breitbart News’ Washington political editor, Matthew Boyle, confronted Mook about Creamer and his firm in the spin room after the third presidential debate, Mook claimed: “They’ve never worked for our campaign.” When asked if Clinton had ever discussed the controversial political operations with Creamer directly, Mook replied: “I don’t think so.”



  1. These are the kind of people who would steal your notes and textbook the day before a test so that they could get a better grade than you.

  2. Those of you thinking of voting for hillary should think about what this morally corrupt lying megalomaniac would be like with the power of the US government at her hands

  3. The "I don't think so" was an answer that will give him some room to squirm at the grand jury hearing.
    I'm telling you and I've told you before --- electing hillary would be just like electing Guzman or Corleone to the presidency.
    They are SO well known for killing people that cross them that one guy came out and said "if anything happens to me...."
    Two Sets of Laws.
    "We, the people" would be facing all kinds of criminal charges.
    SHE is close to becoming the most powerful person on Earth.
    A polictical show right out of the playbook of third world dictators
    Keep cheering!


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