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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Gun-Related Arrests In Baltimore Often Lead Nowhere

The rate of fatal shootings in Baltimore has reportedly spiked in the past year. Several prosecutors and police officers believe that illegal-gun offenders are facing reduced consequences, a new trend in the city's courts.

Between November 2015 and March 2016, one-quarter of illegal-gun cases in Baltimore were dropped before reaching trial. While the average sentence for offenders was 16 months in January 2015, that number has been reduced to an average of six months, The Baltimore Sun reports.

Baltimore prosecutors estimate that people who are convicted of carrying an illegal firearm currently only face 15 percent of their potential sentences, while felons convicted of possession a gun receive only 25 percent of their potential sentences.

In 2016, only 34 percent of defendants charged with carrying an illegal firearm were held without bail while roughly 20 percent were held at bail below $100,000.



  1. Because there's not enough prison space to house them all.

    Tell the truth.

    How are those gun laws working for you?

    Remove the gun laws, keep the 2nd Amendment, watch this problem take care of itself.

  2. Mosby and the democrat agenda. They want blacks to keep on killing other blacks so they can then use it to pass their anti gun BS. The more shot and killed the more warm and fuzzy it makes democrats feel.

  3. How are those gun laws working for you?

    Remove the gun laws, keep the 2nd Amendment, watch this problem take care of itself.

    October 26, 2016 at 8:03 PM

    I agree

  4. Glad the laws aren't working. The right to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.


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