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Sunday, October 02, 2016


Cindy Barbosa

So, we did an interview with a news station regarding our story about Zoeys Fundraiser. 

They were very interested in covering the story and did a lot of work and research into the case. Including an interview with Laura Mitchell! !

She was able to respond to them and answer their questions! 

Apparently her phone works when it comes to media, but not for her own son! The reporter says Laura Mitchell has failed to provide the spreadsheet of spendings to them also. Even though she stated that SHE WOULD SEND IT OVER TO THEM!!!

The director is waiting for this information of where the money went!!!

And I was told that Laura said that we ALL KNEW VERY WELL where the money was going . Everyone was aware that her and her husband are not rich and everyone knew that donations where going to them to use....

Really Laura? Everyone knew? 

It was so clearly obvious the fund raiser was for you and Miguel? Less than 50% for Zoey???

That's what you think is the balance between you and her???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was Zoeys wings!!!!! 

I'm getting seriously hot over here! I gotta bring this boil down to a simmer before it spills over!

Publishers Notes: We broke this story the other day HERE.


  1. OK as a community you've proved your point and confirmed your dislike for this woman it's up to the the legal system to prove any fraud. What about the outright F-you the past mayor Iteton did in his creating job openings for his friends or the current mayor and his endeavors with construction firms

    1. This has nothing to do with her political endeavors nor is it about disliking her. She begged for money that was to pay for HER grandchild's funeral. Whenever the monetary goal was met, she increased it. Bottom line..
      ..she kept the money for herself. She traveled to Florida from Maryland not First Class from China

    2. That went right over your head there @5:39 the whole thing is about fraud! Did she commit fraud it's yet to be proven!! Did ireton commit fraud, ABSOLUTELY!! Has Day committed fraud, ABSOLUTELY!!

  2. Lock her up
    Lock her up
    Lock her up

  3. Then the part that did not go for the purpose of charity is taxable by Mitchell?

  4. She is a lowlife POS.

  5. So, the child's parents and a reporter are waiting for the spreadsheet to explain where the $6000+ went. We'll be waiting for an update.

    1. Who is the reporter "Dan the weatherman ".

  6. This is just out and out FRAUD. You do not go online and beg for money for your Grandchild, especially when the parents didn't even know she was doing it, and then turn around and use the money for yourself. Shame on anyone that would donate to anything that she is connected to. And shame on her for doing such a thing, how disgraceful can a person get, taking advantage of a situation.

    1. TRUE but i am sure the people that donated didnt know they where being deceptive as just being god loving i want to know where the police report is.

  7. it's a shame people just LOVE to talk about (gossip) things like this.

    1. Aka ,laura mitchell
      Hillary clinton

  8. 8:37 PM, No gossip here - all truth!

  9. 8:37 I know where you're coming from not liking gossip, but I think you'd agree that gossip is very different than someone using their post political position to ask for donations for a deceased grandchild and then not using the funds collected in an honorable way.

    That is not gossip... it's fraud. I assume you're intelligent enough to know the difference.

    1. 100 % correct
      Lock UP Laura Mitchele

    2. Fraud. Laura mitchelle

  10. If there is any crime that has the community involved it is up to that community to stand up and get something done! I'm proud that the ones handling this very professionally, now there is always people that want to name call and demean others to make themselves feel better. Those that choose to do just that is doing nothing but adding to the negativity! We can fix this world we live in and show others that change is possible!! Thank you for all the hard work done into this investigation either way it goes it is a service to our community.

  11. Is the zoo justifying their donation????after this flood bet that money could come in handy now...

  12. Everyone claiming fraud, hate to tell you but you're wrong. Unethical yes, but fraud no. She upheld her end of the fundraiser and flew down to flirida using money donated, just like she said she would clear as day. Did she use some if the funding for her own personal benefit? Sure she did, but good luck proving it. She can easily hide where it all went if she's crafty.

    1. Sounds like you have experience with this type of activity.

    2. You're right I do. Spent 12 years investigating medical fraud claims for an insurance company. You wouldn't believe some of the claims I've dealt with. Quite a few were a person was able to win settlements because they skirted right on the border of false/unethical claims. VERY frustrating.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:37 I know where you're coming from not liking gossip, but I think you'd agree that gossip is very different than someone using their post political position to ask for donations for a deceased grandchild and then not using the funds collected in an honorable way.

    That is not gossip... it's fraud. I assume you're intelligent enough to know the difference.

    September 30, 2016 at 9:09 PM

    Yes, I know the difference between gossip and fraud but it seems you do not. The people on here are gossiping, not Laura or whatever her name is. I don't know if she committed fraud or not. That's for a jury to decide if it goes to that and until it is proven all this is still gossip. No skin off my nose either way. And I stand by what I said, people delight in what they are doing. Now don't you?

  14. "It was so clearly obvious the fund raiser was for you and Miguel? Less than 50% for Zoey???"

    And that 50% was only because they got busted!

  15. Anonymous said...
    OK as a community you've proved your point and confirmed your dislike for this woman it's up to the the legal system to prove any fraud. What about the outright F-you the past mayor Iteton did in his creating job openings for his friends or the current mayor and his endeavors with construction firms

    September 30, 2016 at 4:56 PM

    What about the fact that Jake Day has let these UNQUALIFIED employees keep there high paying lucrative jobs.

    1) Tom Stevenson
    2) Julia Glanz
    3) Sarah Meyers
    4) Chris Demone
    others hired but may not be there.
    1) Sarah Rayne's husband
    2) Dru Bragg

    Have I missed any?

    Shame on Jake Day for keeping Tom and Julia in those positions.

    1. This is what absolutely blows me away!! Why has this been allowed and continues to be accepted?? This is just flat out WRONG!! Why gave you allowed the mayor's office to illegally create openings in government to be filled by their close friends

    2. This is what absolutely blows me away!! Why has this been allowed and continues to be accepted?? This is just flat out WRONG!! Why gave you allowed the mayor's office to illegally create openings in government to be filled by their close friends

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This has nothing to do with her political endeavors nor is it about disliking her. She begged for money that was to pay for HER grandchild's funeral. Whenever the monetary goal was met, she increased it. Bottom line..
    ..she kept the money for herself. She traveled to Florida from Maryland not First Class from China

    September 30, 2016 at 5:39 PM

    WTF is your point???

  17. Anonymous said...
    it's a shame people just LOVE to talk about (gossip) things like this.

    September 30, 2016 at 8:37 PM

    Sarah Myers is that you defending your friend again?? (Losers)

  18. Why isn't the police investigating this?

    I want the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office or the Maryland State Police to investigate this. Most of these donors were out of city limits so this should be enough to keep Jake Day's biased SPD out of this.

  19. The police aren't investigating because nobody asked them to. No official complaint = no investigation. If they were investigating, there'd be 100 comments as to why they were wasting their time on this when there are more pressing needs.

    1. Yeah like the chief making Pizza.

  20. Bringing all this up about the mayor's offices' shady doings did anyone catch the latest city council meeting and Stevenson totally out of his league, putting blame on someone else totally trying to confuse him!! LMAO

  21. STEVENSON you SHOULD do the honorable thing if you learned anything from the miltary and resign from a position you deceptively aquired. I'm sure there's another position more suitable, let alone what you put Ms. Chambers through

  22. The goof makes Barry Tilgman look like Joan of Arc. Wow. Are we certain there isn't some addiction issue or mental illness? She seems like a total whackjob.

  23. Oh come on no one wants to comment on the actual deceit going on in your city government?? Mitchell knew her days were numbered, she conceded and moved but the real criminals are still here taking advantage of the corrupt actions allowed

  24. P;ease nail her and her husband to the floor Hillary II.

  25. Sarah Myers is that you defending your friend again?? (Losers)

    October 1, 2016 at 3:40 AM

    no I'm not defending anyone. just making an accurate observation about actions of some people. if the shoe fits.....

  26. Just another Maryland Democrat taking other people's cookies from the cookie jar. Prince George's County is full of them. I'm glad that she's going over the bridge and wonder how long it will be before she has another elected position.

    1. She's found out how to gorge at the public trough without actually doing anything constructive and will probably run for office wherever she goes, using her bloated record to sway voters.
      Speaking of bloated, it looks like that lap-band didn't work out so well.

  27. Yet another superior story and update given to us by Joe and sbynews, generating more than 100 comments...BUT who is actually doing something about it? I bet Joe pursues it, but shouldn't we help? Who has jurisdiction in this matter, and who should we write to request an investigation? Thanks in advance.

  28. Not a thing is going to happen, move on and get a life.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Sarah Myers is that you defending your friend again?? (Losers)

    October 1, 2016 at 3:40 AM

    And I will add after reading Joe's story on this, there is no way I would defend her. I was under the mistaken belief she was raising funds for her own child, not someone else's.

    If true, it is sad there are people like her in the world.

  30. Sounds like another local politician gone wrong. Why is this woman still injecting herself into Salisbury's politics anyway. Thought she moved out of the area. She needs to get out of this area permanently in all ways because that's what scam artists do. Hit their vics and then move on. If she is indeed a scammer, she sucks at it.

  31. Pvt pile you are a disgusting fat body.

  32. Wow! I donated! I'm shocked and disappointed.

  33. Shocked! I donated to the baby!


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