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Sunday, October 02, 2016

Former Salisbury City Councilwoman Questioned On Fundraising Donations Over Death Of Baby

The following message is from the Mother of Laura Mitchell's Granddaughter who unfortunately passed away unexpectedly.

Laura Mitchell,

Please remove our baby's picture from your cover page immediately!!!!
It's making us sick! Her face should be no where near yours! Remove her picture from any Web page, account, album, public pages or anything you may have posted with her beautiful face!!! Never again use her picture for anything! Don't even mention her name on any public sites or events! Next time you want to do a fundraiser for yourself. .. use your own ******* picture!!!! And you're own name! ! Call it "Laura Mitchells Wings"!!!! Don't use our beautiful baby's FACE and NAME to fund your own financial obligations! !!!! You are a piece.
We are besides ourselves, as if we didn't have enough heartbreak and agony, we have to deal with your deceitful actions. How did you survive all these years taking care of your own finances, paying bills, getting gas, buying groceries, going out to eat and such....
BEFORE OUR BABY DIED! Why is she paying your way now??? SBYNEWS

If you were so hard up and only had .20 cents to your name between the 2 of you grown *** adults, you should have done your own Fundraiser! ! Like I said, with your picture! And your name! Not used our baby to touch people's hearts and open thier wallets FOR YOU!!!?????? Our baby's death is not a business opportunity for you to reep benefits from! My baby did not die for you to use our pain and the goodness of our friends and family that came together, to donate whatever they could or even couldn't, to use for your own financial misfortunes! Put in some overtime at work if you have something to pay off, like my MOM does!!! All the time! Paying her own way, by herself! She manages to pay her bills and help YOUR SON and me to boot!!! She, and Barry Hill and Brenda Hudson have helped us so much... given us a helping hand and a step up for a better future. For their children and grandchildren! 

How is it that 2 "smart" people, with good jobs, slowly reaching their retirement years, don't have some kind of savings? Isn't your husband some kind of mathematical genius??
And don't you have some position with treasury department or something? And you can't buget your spendings and earnings? You have to take from your grandaughters fundraiser? Yowzas!
Are you for real? Our hearts are completely and utterly broken, as if it were even possible to break anymore. We lost our baby! !!!!! Our baby girl!!!!! Ugh! Disgusting! I want to vomit!!! And 2 weeks later my Father passes away! !!
Then I have to come home, to find out, that out of $12,374 in donations You only have $5,700 left? ??? What?????
Are you kidding me right now!!! Not one penny of that went to Zoeys funeral home services or burial! Unbelievable! Thank God you at least left enough for us to get her a HEADSTONE!!!
Honestly I was getting concerned that might "magically " disappear too!! Phew.
Where's this SPREADSHEET you say you have to account for expenses??????? As if our baby's fundraiser required a ******* spreadsheet??? SBYNEWS
So far this itemized list of expenses has been quite elusive! I have yet to see it! You have failed to communicate with me. You have not responded to messages and email! How many electronic devices between all of you in that household have under that roof? Do all of them have a "virus" or malfunctioning? Is that why you have been unable to provide us with clarity and understanding as to where the donation money's went? Are they coming by horse and buggy????? Because I'm still waiting! On my tippy toes in anticipation to see where $6,774 went!
I also recently just found out that you did a news broadcast about my baby's death trying to raise money? Who gave you permission to do that???? Who said it was ok to put our baby's name in the news or her face? We sure did not!
There was no parental consent to publicize my our baby. At this point it even seems like on that level you were using her to gain publicity? For your political mumbo jumbo!!!!! You getting some air time? Reaching out to voters??? Making some sympathy connections?
Well... here ya go... I'll help you out!!! Enjoy😘 !!! IT'S FREE!!!!!!!
I can go on forever... ... I am definitely not at a loss for words. Soooo much more to say but, I'm gonna cut it short here.
I will confide in the Father, Son and holy spirit as to handle things. I will also be confiding in Father Gary, who did Zoeys services for advice, guidance and insight on how to deal with you.
Thank God for my strength and ability keep a level head. I'll thank him for you too.

To all those reading this: contributers,... those who donated to our beautiful baby Zoeys fund...... Those who would like and feel free to do so, your own will........ please SHARE, LIKE, REPOST at your leisure.



GO HERE to see who donated, including organizations. The Fastest growing Christian Crowdfunding site made by Christians for Christians

UPDATE: 2016 Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Affairs (FAIR) Committee Roster

Maryland Laura Mitchell, City Council Vice President, Salisbury, Maryland


  1. If you guys represent "Christian" values, then all praise the atheists! Disgusting!!!

  2. Didn't Mitchell just move? Probably used the money to finance that. She sure hung around long enough it seems after saying she was leaving. Just needed money to move.

    1. Moving costs,new clothes ,Furniture.


  4. This was done over a month ago where is the police report and arrets ? Is this y laura mitchell got out of Da Bury,

  5. Laura Mitchell is a typical democrat POS. Liar, opportunist (going on news to solicit donations no doubt) spending money that does not belong to her. What scum. Just like a lot of people on this site already knew about her.

  6. Like this would ever surprise the intelligent, insightful and astute readers of SbyNews. Most of us have her number. Have since Day 1. She's no good. Never has been.

  7. OMG there has to be a law against this kinda behavior...Laura you are a worthless piece of trash...how dare you do that to your OWN son and his misfortune! you didn't care about that baby if you did I wouldn't be reading this from the mother of your grandchild because she would have had the money...low life trash you are Laura Mitchell!!! I hope this website reaches everyone in your area so they know who is living in their neighborhood...

  8. Salisbury zoo donated? 200 bucks? of taxpayer money?

  9. I would like to say unbelievable but considering who this is about it's more like this was expected.

  10. 5:55, Not exactly. I'm glad you brought this up though. You see, the Friends of the Salisbury Zoo is a fundraising organization. So they raise funds to FEED THE ANIMALS and then donate it to someone like Laura Mitchell. In the very least I have to question if this is legal, big time.

  11. "Is this y laura mitchell got out of Da Bury,"

    Not why but how. No doubt she stole the money and used it to move. Be interesting to see if the deductions from the fund raising site coincide with her bank deposits.

  12. Don't know if it's illegal Joe but it's unethical. The funds raised are to benefit the zoo so they are misleading donors.

  13. Did the money come out of the F of the Sby Zoo fund itself or was it money the Board members themselves put together. That's the question.

  14. 6:05, WAKE UP. If it came from individuals it would say their name. Instead it clearly came from the Friends of the Salisbury Zoo account, in which Laura served on the Zoo Commission as a Council Member.

    She clearly used her political influence to raise funds for this cause.

    1. So, you're telling me that the money my 5-year-old saved from the tooth fairy to feed the animals at the zoo could've gone to this fundraiser instead!?!? We need answers, because that is NOT okay!

    2. Stop giving your kid money. Have him/her work for it. Instead make believe. Ridiculous

  15. We have had a few deaths of owners in our condo and I'm on the Board. We take donations from the members and the flowers or whatever are sent from The Board of Directors of the ........ Condominium. While it says the Board it's not from the condo's funds but money from the members own pockets.

  16. This is THEFT plain and simple the money MEVER went to the childs parents and was spent on frivolous items nothing to do with the child Ms Mitchelle needs to be arrested so WHERE IS THE INVESTIGATION ?.

  17. To all of you who donated, you did it out of sympathy and kudos to you for that.

    But, once again, Laura Mitchell seems to have suckered you into giving her money and trusting her to put the money where it belongs.

    Members of the Wicomico Democratic Club are still scratching their heads over the money missing from the club's treasury from when she was the treasurer and her husband the president; and how the year's records came to you with no ledger, but a grocery bag of loose receipts and no notes to explain them. And to think, she's an accountant with a master's degree.

    And the Zoo Commission? $200? This had better be replaced by the members, penny for penny, if it came from funds donated by the public to take care of the zoo's needs. And then have a long discussion about where zoo donations should ultimately go, followed by a press release that tells the story.

    There may be a good reason for this missing money, but even family, the parents of the deceased child, can't seem to get a good answer from Laura and Miguel.
    And if memory serves, no one should hold his breath waiting for it.

  18. Those from Sby who donated are just imbeciles. What do they think we didn't know what we were talking about when we said on this site so many times that she was no good. You got the moron Dunn, the dopey Basset chick and many others who if they listened to the good sense on this site wouldn't look like a bunch of suckers right now. These dopes are supposed to be the movers and shakers of Sby. No wonder it's the crime ridden, blight filled Crotch of the Eastern Shore.

  19. It always amazes me how low scumbags like this can possibly go. Every time, one of them thinks up an even lower level to go to.

  20. Arrest welfare fraud mitchelle.

  21. At this moment Mitchell's busy blocking people on FB and deleting comments. Hey Mitchell instead of doing that how about producing those "spreadsheets" you said you have. She so full of it. Such the liar and YES so very typical of a democrat. Thieves, liars and no good people.

  22. Off topic Joe but go to the last refuge and look at the live feed from Melbourne FL! 10,000 people or more at on the tarmac waiting for Air Force Trump to land!

  23. Mitchell and Hillary for Prison 2016

  24. Rally is at the airport. Evidently bigger crowd for this then for the blue angels even.

  25. 7:05
    Thanks! The link has been posted.

  26. The guy who has predicted ALL Presidental races since 1984 states Trump will be the next president.

  27. OMG Laura Mitchell, you are scum of the earth to do this and to your child? What person in their right mind would even think of doing something so low down and classless as this? There was a death in the family, a baby at that, and you are out there spending money left and right that was donated? You are one sick human being.


  28. Condolences to the parents of the infant. Very sad.

    Separately, Words to describe how low and craven the greedy manipulator of this scheme is just fail.

  29. City of salisbury city administrators and council corrupt top to bottom. LORE CHAMBERS still can't believe they got away with what they did to you and was accepted as ok by the rest of council and government

    1. Council had NO say by law on the Chambers matter. All of that rested on Ireton's shoulders and the courts.

    2. TRUE but at some point you have to question INTEGRITY by the remaining council members and their lack of it to stand up and say enough that the way this whole situation was handled and it alterior motive were totally unexceptable

  30. And that she used her official title to do it is despicable.

  31. Laura mitcHELL you belong next to your son in that HOT jail cell you love so much at poplar hill.

  32. Put this up again tomm joe.

  33. Laura is a low-life filthy POS! How disgusting is this of her! I bet this woman didn't even know this was going on.

  34. Sorry but something about this scam by Mitchell smells illegal! Any lawyer care to check me on this?

  35. Anonymous said...
    Like this would ever surprise the intelligent, insightful and astute readers of SbyNews. Most of us have her number. Have since Day 1. She's no good. Never has been.

    September 27, 2016 at 5:47 PM

    Then why did you allow that fat welfare skank to get re-elected to the City Council!!

  36. 9:07
    Because Salisbury is full of uninformed liberals. She didn't get elected to county council now did she?

  37. Anonymous said...
    I would like to say unbelievable but considering who this is about it's more like this was expected.

    September 27, 2016 at 6:00 PM

    You say that as if you think it's acceptable!

  38. This past Monday was her last night as a council member. She got out of time just in time huh? Has anyone notified the National League of Cities (NLC) where she was reappointed to the 2015 Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Relations Steering Committee.

    I wonder how much money they are missing!

  39. Anonymous said...
    We have had a few deaths of owners in our condo and I'm on the Board. We take donations from the members and the flowers or whatever are sent from The Board of Directors of the ........ Condominium. While it says the Board it's not from the condo's funds but money from the members own pockets.

    September 27, 2016 at 6:23 PM

    Well guess what? This isn't your condo association. Have a great day!

  40. "You say that as if you think it's acceptable!

    September 27, 2016 at 9:18 PM"

    Are you a product of the dumbed down US "education" system? Don't bother answering because it's obvious you are, halfwit. It defies not only common sense but also intelligence to even consider that just because someone finds something expected they also find it acceptable. Now instead of commenting on blogs how about doing something to get your brain working.

  41. White trash! But said.....

  42. She knows she is busted. She has deleted or hidden everything on her facebook page.

  43. Isn't she on welfare?

  44. I really do find it amazing that any local people would have donated. If they haven't figured out yet that the people on this site are ALWAYS right then they ARE a bunch of backward halfwits.
    Wonder what excuse she'll come up for this time. She was only borrowing it to buy some methadone because the tragic loss of the grandchild caused her migraines to explode. I really can't believe (but I guess I can because it's her) that someone would use a child's death for their own gain. The worst is this happens all the time esp now with these funding sites.

  45. If Killary is elected she will probably appoint welfare Mitchell to the finance committee.

  46. Laura will soon be contacted by some sleazy talk show to appear and confront her relatives.

  47. I feel so bad for the infant's parents. What Mitchell did was so..........I can't come up with words. To deceive your own flesh and blood like this when they are at the lowest point in their lives is beyond my comprehension. I so hope they don't spend their fragile emotions dwelling too much on her terrible actions but spend this time with supportive family and friends where they can share their thoughts and feelings and memories or whatever they find helpful of their precious baby. Time, the public and possibly other ways will take care of what Mitchell did.

  48. Poor EBT blogger has had a hard day. First the news about the city having to pay a settlement with the college kids after he supported the cop and now his friend Laura who he has supported in every election she ran in is in trouble once again. I guess what they say is true. Births of a feather. All 3 are losers.

  49. 11:39
    I feel so bad for the mother of the baby. I was reading some of the comments on her facebook page. It looks like she recently also lost her father. She has really been put through the ringer with this. How in the world did Laura spend 6k. I just can't figure it out. Did they buy first class tickets and stay at Ritz Carlton while they were in Fla. It just does not add up.

  50. It's all unethical and illegal, Day in bed with gillis gilkerson, ireton in bed with STEVENSON falsely firing Chambers to literally give his friend a higher position. It HAS to be an accepted practice joked about around the water cooler. Nothing positive coming from any of the city council or administrative offices. The loses are the ones who will do things behind closed doors to gain personally

  51. Don't forget TOM STEVENSON people nothing he did to get his job was legal or ethical

  52. My goodness , she is so awful , how can she live with that? She will face God on judgement day !

  53. "Births of a feather--"put through a ringer"
    we really do have education problems.

  54. Oh what a tangled web we weave , when first we practice to deceive .

  55. Joe keep us updated on this Pig.

  56. Typical liberal Democrat of the day. This is what they do with your tax dollars. Mitchell seems to be another Hillary in disguise.

  57. Laura also uses her other son's drug addictions/rehabs/jail issues to get free things (clothing, furniture, household items, etc...)from people to "donate" for him, crying poverty and he has nothing, she has no money to help him, blah blah blah...then she resells them on facebook to make money for herself. Glad she's gone from the area.

    1. Her witch claws are still in daBury.

    2. I will NEVER understand how she got a position on any city council known she is on WELFARE ? Clueless libs.

  58. Gov Hogan make a phone call to the states atty ?

  59. Yep she's your typical democrat. If they aren't stealing outright like her they are stealing "legally" by spending the tax payers money on nonsense. And they are all like that even the democrat voters are just as worthless. They all lie too. "spreadsheet?????" Yep democrat being a democrat and lying. She's probably not even ashamed because a democrat being a democrat thinks she's entitled to it.

  60. No matter what your family does to screw you over, anybody who puts this out to the public it's nothing but white trash. What do you want sympathy from everyone? Do you know what she did with the money? Maybe you should find out. I'm sure blasting her on social media for the whole world to see you will never get a chance to know now. I wouldn't have anything to do with you. I'm sure this won't get published and I guarantee you many people are thinking this. If Laura took the money I am not condoning her actions at all. I simply think you're handling it like a child.

    1. Child ?
      As of yesterday laura welfare mitcHELL hasnt sent a penny to the mother in a MONTH so what should she think, and the parents DIDNT authorize her to do it.

    2. 9:34 now now Laura just trying to let the rest of the world what a scumbag you are before you screw them

    3. Really 9:34 you're calling out the mother? who just lost her child? white trash? Acting like a child?
      Kinda harsh words for a stranger to use towards someone they don't know! How "should" she "act" when her baby dies and then the Grandmother profits from her loss?
      It's 2016 this is how your reach out and touch somebody. ...
      Especially if they're hiding, running and sticking thier head in the sand...you can't hear with your head stuck way down there! Maybe MITCHELL wasn't responding and she wants answers, so she reached out to see if she can hear her now.
      You sound like a real gem 9:34 ..
      I wonder who you could be..

  61. 9:36
    That is what has been a concern all these years. If a person can't handle their own affairs, how can they be put in the position of taking care of a city's affairs. The same reason we have career politicians that can retire with a nice pension, but won't because they stay in and steal more than their salary. Hell, look at the high court, some are ready to fall out of their chair.

  62. How did you survive all these years taking care of your own finances, paying bills

    They didn't! Take it from a business owner who was stiffed by them.

  63. Somebody explain to me why she isn't in Jail for doing this please. I have lost a child myself and if this were done when she passed I'd be at her front door ready to kick me some ass big time. What the hell is wrong with people???!!!

  64. 9:34, I don't feel as though the author of the letter is behaving like a child at all. I see a person who is in pain and struggling to get through the day to day only to find out a "family" member is cheating them and using their deceased child for their own gain. the author posted the letter on fb and someone posted it here so it would get plenty of attention , hopefully deterring any further donations to a bogus charity. she should contact the site and have the donation page shut down. $6000+ in "expenses" ????? what could have possibly cost that much? the donations sites sometimes get a percentage of donations but, to my knowledge, they don't take over 50% of the funds raised so where did it go?

  65. Would this not by "Theft Scheme" ..... Using a cause though the cause is unfortunately true, but not turning the monies over to the proper person. It seems as though the parents live in another state, could not some one here help the parents of the precious little baby prosecute Larua.

  66. 11:33, It should be pointed out that the Mother has not received a penny from Laura Mitchell. So the $6,000.00 you mention, (at this point) is way under estimated. At this point it is over $13,000.00 .

    1. Can we do a gofundme to get a atty to have laura mitchell arrested ? Ohhh tbats the States attys job ???????????????????

  67. My sympathies to the parents of this precious baby. I cannot even begin to imagine the deep pain of loss of a young child.

    As a mother/grandmother myself, there is absolutely no way in this world I could ever do something so selfish and disgusting as this to my own son. I would lay down my life for my children; they are God's greatest gifts to me.

    As for Laura, (as @6:23 mentioned), she will not escape God's judgement. Shame on her! How can she live with deceiving her own son and using her deceased grandchild for personal profit! Now we know the real reason she moved away from Salisbury.

    "Laura, I hope you repent, apologize to your family, and return what is rightfully theirs (not yours)".

  68. This is odd. The donation mentioned earlier from Friends of the Salisbury Zoo...now changed to say it's from the Salisbury Zoo Commission.

  69. This is just the beginning if justice really is blind for this county is as crooked as the country running them. This country as well as the country needs to be swept clean of all the greedy, double standard, side of the mouth talking politicians and bs people that support them and we need to take back our rights and or lifes we only have one.

  70. Once again why worry about something you can't change, influence or do anything about but get pissed off?

  71. 10:19, Clearly a LOT of people care. You say we can't change or influence anything, you are wrong. I believe IF Laura Mitchell ever attempts to do this again, (God Forbid) people will run the opposite way.

    I can tell you that I personally know some of the businesses that donated to this cause and NONE of them were ever under the impression that their funds would be going towards Laura and her husband.

    Unfortunately, (without remorse) Laura Mitchell has created a black eye towards the possibility of someone legitimately making future donations for such a cause because many will wonder if their funds are going where they belong.

    Finally, it says an awful LOT about someone when the Mother of the Grandchild goes public twice about their disgust and disappointment in this case. And who can blame her, seriously.

    I spoke with the GM of WMDT after they had gone on the air to help Laura promote this fundraiser. Their response to the Mother's statements, "We found no wrong doing on Laura's behalf". WOW, just WOW!

    1. What do you expect? Joe, we all know wmdt isn't real news reporting. Neither is WBOC local stations are shameful. Better to watch Baltimore stations.

    2. Again ??
      Are you saying she will get away with it ?

  72. Joe she is an ANIMAL that is why she got the $ from the zoo, she is just 2 legged instead of four.

  73. wow. I knew little about this and thought it was her own baby she was getting donations for. Jesus. If all this is true, she is lower than whale dung, and that's on the bottom of the ocean.

  74. Letter to the Editor

    Part I

    Joe, Speaking of the corruption in the City of Salisbury. Here is something else the taxpayers should be aware of.

    Did you know that Wicomico 911 no longer dispatches the volunteers at Stations 16, 2 and 1. The volunteers at Station 1 and 2 are supposed to be dispatched nights and weekends when the paid duty crew isn't on duty Monday through Friday. They are not getting dispatched unless there is a second call. Not enough incentive to keep the volunteers around.

    This is the plan Rick Hoppes and Jake Day have been working on to get rid of the volunteers. Rick Hoppes made it a mission the day he got appointed fire chief to push out the volunteers and replace them with paid firemen, but at an expense to the tax payers. That is why they hired those 12 firemen on that Federal 2 year grant. That is why Jim Ireton and Jake Day are fighting the County with the "Nuclear Option" because they want the money from the County to pay for those 12 paid firemen. Now they ended up hiring them, after letting them go, with city and county tax dollars and they want the County to pay even more money to staff the 3 fire stations with more paid firemen full time. Stand by because they are currently looking for a location on North Salisbury Blvd to build another paid fire station up North. It's a fact, look at the Capital Improvement Plan.

    This policy is currently in effect and the citizens and visitors are not getting the closest fire station dispatched to their emergency. People are dying because of the long delay waiting for the fire engine from station 16 to respond all the way across town. If you have an emergency on Mt. Hermon Road you are going to die because you have to wait for the fire truck from Station 16 on Cypress Street to respond. They have to respond all the way through town, through bridges and many, many stop lights. You better hope the Rt. 50 bridge is not up. They will not dispatch the volunteers at Station 1 even if they are in the Station or living next door.

    If you have an emergency at Target on North Salisbury Blvd. you are going to die because you will have to wait for the fire engine to come from Station 16 on Cypress Street. They will not dispatch Station 2 even if there are volunteers in the station or living next door.

    Why do you think they built the new fire station on Naylor Street which is much smaller and why do you think they got rid of Squad 2 and Air Light 2? They are creating a small paid fire station. The plans are to send Station 1's air light unit to Station 16 so the volunteers at #1 won't use it.

  75. Letter to the Editor

    Part II

    Rick Hoppes recently gave a volunteer firefighter from Station 1 a 90-day suspension for..... Guess what? You will never believe this? They gave an active volunteer firefighter a 90-day suspension just for talking to Bob Culver, the Wicomico County Executive. Just for expressing his right to freedom of speech! Then the volunteers hired an attorney and they blew Rick Hoppes' decision out of the water and proved Rick Hoppes was wrong and the firefighter was immediately re-instated. Then Rick Hoppes immediately destroyed all copies of the tapes he taped during these meetings. He destroyed all his documentation on this suspension to delete all evidence. He deleted all emails and voicemails. This is the crap that Rick Hoppes, John Tull and Darrin Scott are scheming about every single day that they are in the office.

    Did you know that Wannabe Fire Chief Rick Hoppes created another paid Deputy Chief's position for the Salisbury Fire Department. They found money to pay for a new Deputy Fire Chief's position. Hoppes had already gotten Jim Ireton to pay for a new assistant chiefs position and gave it to Darrin Scott. So now we get a new mayor and they create the new deputy chiefs position and gave it to Darrin Scott. Notice I said "gave." There was no testing for this position at all which may not be illegal, but it is unethical. Now there is a Paid fire chief, 2 paid deputy chiefs, 4 paid assistant chiefs, 3 captains, 6 lieutenants and about 15 acting lieutenants.

    Each volunteer station used to have 2 volunteer assistant chiefs, 2 volunteer captains and several lieutenants as needed. There is one volunteer assistant chief at station 1 and one at station 2 and the plan is to force them out any day now. There are hardly and other officers at the other stations because they have been forced out by Rick Hoppes, John Tull and Darrin Scott. These guys, along with the other 4 paid assistant chiefs play a part in this and have regular "chiefs meetings." scheme on getting rid of the volunteers and create more paid positions. The assistant chiefs are spies and they go around to the stations to spy on the volunteers and report back to Rick Hoppes.

    This current system in the Salisbury Fire Department is the worst that it has ever been in the history of the City. Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are the problem. We have tried numerous times to talk to Jake Day as Mayor Day and he gets nasty with us and talks down to us. He supported Rick Hoppes' failed attempt suspend active volunteer firefighters at Station 1. They were going to continue until they successfully removed all the volunteers.

    There is also a directive out to each of the stations denying the volunteers to respond on any calls dispatched to fire calls in their Utility Vehicles if they don't have a driver for the fire engines. This is another way to prevent the volunteers from responding on calls. If there is a house fire and Station 1 has 6 volunteers show up but no engineer/driver for the fire engine they have to stay at the station even though the other 2 stations and a volunteer station from the county is responding with fire engines. Sometimes it only takes one fire engine to put out a house fire so they prevent more/free manpower from responding to the call.

  76. Letter to the Editor

    Part III

    The only time the volunteers will be dispatched on nights and weekends to calls in their territory is if Engine 16 from Station 16 is already committed to a call. So now they get the scraps from the paid firemen. Now what volunteer wants to hang around waiting for a call when there rarely will be one for Stations 1 and 2 anyway? That's how they got rid of the volunteers at Station 16. No one wants to hang around and be treated like second class citizens by the paid men.

    Keep in mind now you the city and county tax payers are paying for the volunteers to respond to your emergencies and they are playing second fiddle at best. The point is YOU the tax payers are not getting what you are paying for and people are dying we are losing property. It's time to get rid of Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott, Jake Day and Jack Heath. They are the PROBLEM!!

  77. This sounds like an article for Crowe to investigate!

  78. Anonymous said...

    Letters to the Editor

    Parts I, II, and III

    All I can say is WOW!!

  79. Joe you should take that Salisbury Fire Department corruption and make a story out of it. They are stealing from the taxpayers by not providing services they paid for.

    I love watching the paid firemen squirming with their CYA comments to save their jobs.

  80. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Joe you should take that Salisbury Fire Department corruption and make a story out of it. They are stealing from the taxpayers by not providing services they paid for.

    I love watching the paid firemen squirming with their CYA comments to save their jobs.

    October 2, 2016 at 5:15 PM

    It was your election to lose

  81. Joe, this was 3 years ago but you should do an update on this just in case it has never been investigated by anyone.

    I just clicked on the link to the Fundraiser and Laura collected almost $13,000 dollars. I wonder if she gave any of that money to the mother for funeral expenses, etc. after reading that scathing letter.

    What is also interesting is many of those that contributed. Laura Mitchell and Miguel have never been held accountable for their corruption and scamming. Remember Miguel got fired from two colleges for unwanted touching, etc. Laura was getting free housing as a "single mother" and never reported her husband living there. Laura was also a known drug addict.



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