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Friday, October 21, 2016

Thank God Its Friday 10-21-16

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Going up to T and S produce in Bridgeville tomorrow to order our turkeys for the holidays and get some of their delicious apples and apple donuts. Then hit up a few antique stores.

  2. I'm getting DRUNK and applying for a job at WBOC.

  3. JUST trying to survive...

  4. Little striper fishing? Sounds good to me.

  5. I'm going to do some gut running

  6. 8:16 HMMM unemployed and drunk

  7. Trying to help my son survive leaving his marriage. His wife of ten years has been cheating with another man for over 3 years. He's had enough. So sad.

  8. Had cancer surgery four years ago and doing good. So this weekend like all others I'll be counting my blessings.

  9. 10:16 All sympathies to your son. Caution him against bad behavior and remind him "Living well is the best revenge."

    This weekend: rest up Fri night, work Sat, out Sat night looking for the big ape who slapped my daughter around for dumping his pill-peddling rear end, Sun watching the Redskins and hopefully not as a guest of the sheriff in Snow Hill.

    A little hypocrisy there but...

  10. Sipping Top Quality Whiskey While Watching The Major League Baseball Playoffs !! Life is Great !

  11. Working and getting buzzed. I'm trying to cut down...

  12. I will be kicking back watching TV and bitc#ing every time I see Hillary Clinton.

  13. 10:15 just remember the cream always comes to the top. No one needs to be around a cheater. Cheaters always find each other, so they will go down together. Good people don't need trash!

    11:00 glad to hear you made it. Cancer is a hard nut to crack, so I'm glad to hear you are doing well.

    8:51 You are doing good keep on keeping on all of us are pulling for you.

    I'm going to spend some quality time praying sincerely that Trump wins this for all of us and our country. Then I plan on watching for my Cooper's Hawk that likes to perch on my outside swing. Go figure. These hawks are beautiful. GOD doesn't make junk!

    No matter how bad we have it, we all have a great deal to be grateful for.


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