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Friday, October 21, 2016

State Dept. hired lawyers from Clinton's law firm to handle emails

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte called on the State Department's inspector general Thursday to investigate why the agency hired a pair of lawyers from Williams and Connolly, the law firm representing Hillary Clinton, to handle Freedom of Information Act requests for her emails.

Catherine Duval and Austin Evers, the two lawyers, had no prior experience handling FOIA requests or classified document productions, the Virginia Republican said.

"At the very least, this suspect arrangement raises questions about the State Department hiring process," Goodlatte wrote to Steven Linick, the agency's inspector general.

"At worst, it suggests willful obstruction by handpicked Clinton associates at the State Department on behalf of former Secretary Clinton, to ensure damaging or incriminating documents never saw the light of day," he added.



  1. Are these the same lawyers who, without any security clearances, rooted through and read Hillary's emails and decided which were about Chelsea's wedding and which were classified information?

  2. She is such a lying, corrupt, criminal disgrace. I hope the voters are awake and don't vote this horrible woman to be our president!

  3. And to think the citizens want this criminal to lead our country. Tony Soprano is more honest running his waste management business with his team of soldiers.

  4. Nothing will be safe in Hillary's hands.

  5. NO ONE will be safe in Hillary's presidential world!

  6. This country is so crooked, it makes me sick!


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