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Monday, October 10, 2016

So let me share last nights experience with yall

Terence Dangerfield

So let me share last nights experience with yall. Was out in Springfield and got pulled by a Fairfax County deputy. Note, I'm a black man with a Glock 26 on my side in an illegally modified car. I kept both of my hands on the steering wheel after he pulled me over. He walks up to the window, introduces himself, asks how I'm doing, and explains his reasoning for pulling me over. He then asks for license and registration. Before I even lifted a finger, I said "Sure thing sir. However I am armed. The gun is on my right hip and my wallet is in my right back pocket. How would you like me to get my wallet?". He said "That's fine, just keep your left hand where I can see it and reach for your wallet slowly, okay?". I said "No problem sir". I slowly reached for my wallet and got it out of my pocket, got my license out, and handed it to him. He told me to sit tight for a few moments and went back and ran my information. A few moments later, he returned and said "Your exhaust is illegal, you have aftermarket suspension, your tag lights are illegal, and your inspection is past due. However, I'm not going to write you any tickets. I will issue you a written warning. Thank you for your simple cooperation and notifying me that you were armed before reaching for your wallet. You have a nice night sir. Thank you again". No guns were drawn, no being removed from my vehicle, no getting beat down or tased. Not even a ticket. Now, please, tell me more about how all of these cops are out to get us....


  1. In other words, the state has decreed that you may not in any way alter your own personal property and thanks for not giving me a reason to shoot you because I hate all the paperwork.

    1. That's the irrational, entitlement interpretation, yes.

  2. it's at the cops discretion first and foremost, however, i don't appreciate that he allowed an unsafe vehicle to continue on our roadways. there are regulations for our vehicles for a reason. not checking the driver's carry permit is also dereliction of duty and potentially allowed a gun with the serial # destroyed on it to go on to commit a crime. I am glad it was peaceful interaction, but in this case, who died because this cop failed to perform his duties! Hopefully, nobody, but this example of officers being afraid to do their jobs is sickening. How would you react if it were you in uniform? I don't know.

    1. Really? That's what you took from this? Your no better than 11:58pm.

  3. When he ran the tag before he ever got out he knew the owner of the vehicle had a CC permit. What he didn't know was who was driving said vehicle. Good stop on both sides.

  4. That is exactly the way I have dealt with traffic stops all of my life, I'm 55 by the way, and I have never been tased, shot, drug out of the car either. It is all in how the situation is handled on BOTH sides and I always found that if I gave the officer the RESPECT that the uniform deserved then there was no problem. I know several are going to jump in about how law enforcement doesn't deserve respect, yada, yada, yada. Well if we don't have any type of authority in our society--we have chaos. I prefer a little order.

  5. Cops can't win, can they? Damned by some if they do, and Damned by some if they don't.

  6. 8:17 AM That is becasue one bad apple spoils the whole bunch you clown... Are you telling me, if there is a big big bowl of apples, and you know that out of those apples at least one if not more are poisoned, are you telling me you will take the chance and eat one??? I know damn well you won't...

    Here ends your lesson!!!!

  7. Amazing how following requests from law enforcement and communicating intelligently can work!

  8. Good work on both the citizen's and officer's parts. Everybody's calm and doing what they should to prevent a bad outcome.

  9. This is a perfect example of how it should be. Number one the man kept his hands on the steering wheel is plain view as he should and waited for further instructions by the officer. Now this just goes to show police officers are not profiling racist trying to kill black men. If a black man is not in the process of breaking the law, running from a crime. pointing a gun at an officer, fighting an officer trying to get his weapon things will go well. But when you do theses stupid things to officers especially pointing a gun at him you are going to get shot. That is obvious because the officer want to go home to his family at night in good shape with no bullet holes in him too.

  10. Wow, admitted he was armed and they didn't shoot him, guess BLM lost out on this one.

  11. can you tell if you have a cc permit just by your driver's license?

  12. 4:17 In some states I'm sure they can.


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