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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

NYPost: FBI Agents ‘Ready to Revolt’ Over Comey’s ‘Unprecedented,’ ‘Cowardly’ Handling of Clinton Investigation

New York Post columnist Paul Sperry writes that veteran FBI agents are outraged by the “unprecedented” accommodations FBI Director James Comey afforded Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and her aides during the investigation into Clinton’s mishandling of classified information.

From the New York Post:

Veteran FBI agents say FBI Director James Comey has permanently damaged the bureau’s reputation for uncompromising investigations with his “cowardly” whitewash of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information using an unauthorized private email server.


But agents say Comey tied investigators’ hands by agreeing to unheard-of ground rules and other demands by the lawyers for Clinton and her aides that limited their investigation.

“In my 25 years with the bureau, I never had any ground rules in my interviews,” said retired agent Dennis V. Hughes, the first chief of the FBI’s computer investigations unit.


Agreed retired FBI agent Michael M. Biasello: “Comey has singlehandedly ruined the reputation of the organization.”

The accommodations afforded Clinton and her aides are “unprecedented,” Biasello added, “which is another way of saying this outcome was by design.” He called Comey’s decision not to seek charges “cowardly.”

Read the rest here.


  1. Stop saying it and do it. If you are not going to do it then shut up!!

  2. And Comey did it all with a straight, somber face. A 5th Amendment plea is probably in his future, too.


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