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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Settlement in case involving breakfast pastry chewed into shape of gun

WASHINGTON — The Maryland court case involving a second-grader accused of chewing a breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun has finally been settled.

The 7-year-old, who was also accused of pointing the pastry-gun at his classmates in Anne Arundel County, served a two-day suspension, but his family wanted the suspension removed from his school records.

The 2013 incident drew national attention.



  1. Liberals, how stupid can they get?

  2. Absolutely ridiculous!

  3. yopu sure they weren't trying for the State of Maryland ?

  4. Point a pop tart a a cop see what you get oh u won't u will b dead.

  5. Looks like a Pop Tart map of Maryland to me.

  6. Liberalism at its best...what a bunch of bullsh@$!

  7. Son, there's nothing wrong with what you did, it's natural child play. No one else should ever think a pop tart is really a gun, Those people are the ones that are doing bad things.

  8. What a waste of time and money. If the judge had above average intelligence, he should have thrown the whole thing out and admonished the so-called adults at the school.

  9. looks more like the state of Md. than a gun. What kind of gun is it ???

  10. Right up in there with among the stupidest things I've ever heard.


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