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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

More TRUTH...


  1. This is the TRUTH. People who pimp for Clinton just continue the madness without even questioning it!

  2. Amazing people in this area don't seem to embrace this unfortunate reality. They don't even see fit to comment on it.

  3. They're too busy fashioning pop tarts into guns, 1108. Don't bother the Shore people. They don't have time for reality like this. It's too scary.

  4. This country has gone to the Dems..dogs. political correctness,lack of character,no punishment for crimes,lawyers lying and greediness..all this has contributed to the downfall of america. Our founding father's would clean house and kick a** if they saw this going on.

  5. This is so true. The great sadness of it all, is the fact it has been allowed to go on unchecked far too long inside and outside of this country.

  6. How exactly do Doctors destroy health?


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