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Sunday, October 02, 2016

Police Killed 5 White People The Same Day As Keith Scott

Not a single word was heard from the mainstream media about any of these deaths.

5 white people were killed September 20, 2016, the same day Keith Scott was killed. There has been non-stop media coverage since this day, only one thing was missing, the “5” other deaths by the hands of police officers on that day. September 20, 2016 should go down in history as the day reality sunk in for the American public. Our mainstream media cannot be trusted. Black people are being used as pawns and the mainstream media is their puppet master. To all black people reading this article: “Share this article.”

Or do only black lives matter?



  1. but we don't riot because we already have Tv's and tennis shoes.

    1. And jobs. And our first thought is they must have really screwed up to get shot. I think it's simple reasoning.

  2. Dave T: Statistics show three times more white people are killed annually by police than blacks ! This rioting and pillaging over the death of documented criminals is not only stupid, it's completely idiotic. Black people - African Americans - if you are going to stand up for something like an issue, please pick something that has more meaning to it. Complaining about numerous incidents where criminals are killed for acting like criminals gets not sympathy from me. Also, all lives matter. Including yours !

  3. Exactly 1:01 all lives matter including theirs. That is why this BLM thing is so wrong. All it has done is drive police out of minority high crime neighborhoods if not out of policing altogether. The only thing BLM has accomplished is getting more blacks killed and shot.

  4. I have never been killed by a cop and made it many years. Now I admit, the reason I haven't been killed is my own fault. Each time I have had contact with the police, I always do as requested and have always given them respect, which I have received in return. Oh, I have never placed a cop in the cross hairs of a weapon either, very important.

  5. It is all a diversion by Ohbama and his cronies. Trying to divide a nation. Citizens need come together as one. Time for change !

  6. Only Black Lives Matter!

    White people are so stupid these days they don't even understand how they have turned on their own race! They will all be part of the future race war. They all will be responsible for the future Civil War.

    1. The funniest part is when tgeir out there rioting supporting this garbage and they single them out and beat them down

  7. Hundreds of thousands of whites died for your freedom in the first civil war.byour own people sold you off to not just America.m.. But many other countries. Had we known you people would be this big of a pain in the ass we would've shipped you back!right where they seing machetes around killing each other every day.it was out fault for bringing you here.so on that part I agree was a stupid decision.

  8. Hey 5:00
    Please proof read before sending

    1. Hey 5:32, you forgot your period. Please take your own advice.

  9. White people didn't have anything to say about their life matters until black people started saying it due to young black men being killed by officers of the law while they had no weapon or didn't do anything to justify a death. As black people we know what we have going on in our neighborhoods but just because we don't speak to white people about it or March about it doesn't mean it's not being addressed. The gun violence in the inner city isn't due to OBAMA and Democrats you're just ignorant if you believe that.Gangs and Drugs have been in our community whether we had a Democrat or Republican. Black lives matter isn't some made up lie it's us screaming at you to lock us up and take us to court and convict us like the law says not gun us down and leave us laying in the street like road kill. You'll holler white people are killed by cops too. Well no duh, it's more white people who kill white people, it's more white people on welfare than anybody else because it's more white people in the world you idiots so of course your going to be leading in stats. But you know what, when those schools are shot up and those churches are shot up you don't see us gunning down white people the next day because those people are caught taken to court and locked up so why not us? That's why we say be honest about your racial bias and racial profiling we respect you more for that. Because I'm sure for the average white american the only black people you know are at your job. Smh

    1. There hasn't been a major city run by Republicans for 50 years. There were no drug problems then.

  10. It's just not "politically correct" to be white and work hard all your life.

  11. WHITE LIVES MATER! we need to protest!

  12. The media is using black people like Charles Manson wanted to.

  13. I'm white and I have better things to do besides rioting. Like go home to my family. Or go to work. Cut the grass. Cook dinner on the grill. Wash the cars. Spray the weeds before they take over. Watch baseball. Kick back with a book. Do the dishes. Damn, there I go being all white and stuff.

  14. Yeah, but white lives "don't matter" to black folks. They don't care. What goes around, comes around. They can't expect white folks to care about them, regardless of BLM. I used to care, but I don't anymore. The government and black organizations like BLM and NAACP, along with the black politicians have me disgusted at the whole race issue. They are counter-productive, if their quest is racial equality (but it is apparent that is not their goal). They are getting farther away, all the time.

  15. If Black Lives Matter supporters want respect, they need to earn by being productive, family oriented people of the community!
    Hard work and family values are what MATTERS!


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