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Thursday, October 20, 2016

O'Keefe: TV Networks Spiked Story Over Fear of "Retribution" From Hillary Clinton

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe says that television stations across America canceled appearances he was set to make on their networks over fears of “retribution from a future Hillary Clinton administration.”

O’Keefe released his second bombshell video in the space of two days, shocking footage that shows Democratic party operatives scheming on how to “successfully commit voter fraud on a massive scale.”

Yesterday’s video, which proves that the violence at Donald Trump rallies – blamed on Trump’s “rhetoric” by the media – was in fact planned in advance by individuals connected to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, went viral online but received little mainstream coverage.

Now we know why.

“Project Veritas Action had television exclusives lined up around the country, those television stations spiked the story at the last minute,” said O’Keefe.

“Our sources tell us the reason they did so was fear of retaliation and retribution from a future Hillary Clinton administration,” he added, concluding, “Truth is dangerous, especially when it challenges those in power.”



  1. When Trump WINS she and Bill will just fade away
    and have Power No More to do anything Don't Worry

    They will just stay home and count $$$ all day

  2. Uh, who said she'll stay home unless you're talking about the Women's correctional facility in West Virginia? There she can make a $1 an hour like every other inmate.


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