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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hillary Fixer Breaks Ranks: I Arranged Sex Trysts For Her — With Men & WOMEN

Stunning revelations of Clinton bag man!

Hillary Clinton is a secret sex freak who paid fixers to set up illicit romps with both men AND women!

That’s the blockbuster revelation from a former Clinton family operative who is sensationally breaking ranks with his one-time bosses to speak to The National ENQUIRER in a bombshell 9-page cover story — on newsstands Wednesday.

“I arranged a meeting for Hillary and a woman in an exclusive Beverly Hills hotel,” the man, who was hired by the Clintons, via a Hollywood executive, to cover up their scandals, told The ENQUIRER.

“She had come to the studio to see the filming of a movie in 1994.”

“While I was there, I helped her slip out of a back exit for a one-on-one session with the other woman. It was made to look casual, leaving quietly [rather] that being caught up in the melee … but really it was for something presumably more sordid.”

What’s more, it wasn’t just Hillary’s flings with women that the shadowy Mr. Fix It helped to orchestrate!



  1. I left a comment about Huma and Hillary which was not posted. I still beleive her and Huma are more than friends.. ie Riding with Huma in cars...and both of them have seriously flawed husbands. And Hillary seems awfully chummy for a woman who hates so many people.

  2. 10:50, I'm moderating comments this morning and I NEVER saw another comment on this Post.

  3. All I can do is think about that seen in the movie King Pin with Woody Harrelson where he had to have sex with his elderly landlord because he didn't have enough money for the rent! I could envision the scene with Hillary and the results would still be barfing later in the John!


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