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Thursday, October 20, 2016

New Emails: Hillary Needs Podium, 'Cannot Walk Around'

In 2009, Abedin said Clinton would object to speaking with crowd on both sides or without podium

Emails obtained by Citizens United through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and released on Tuesday suggest that walking around a stage may have been a challenging burden for Hillary Clinton as early as 2009.

In a 2009 email exchange between top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and Clinton Global Initiative employees Amitabh Desai and Ed Hughes, Abedin revealed that Clinton could not walk around the stage like her husband Bill Clinton and would need a podium for an upcoming address.

"Just want to make sure someone has coordinated with you on hrc speech set up," Abedin wrote. "She won't be able to give it in the round like [Bill Clinton] does walking around with microphone," she explained. "Are we able to set it up so shes speaking at a podium [sic]?


  1. She is very, very ill. The up and down medication circuit can't effectively continue. Her neurons are frying in her brain pan.

  2. She can't walk, she can't do steps, and she barely can talk coherently, what the hell good is she for this country? NONE!

    Vote Trump!

    We don't need a druggie president like old Killary.

  3. She's toast as far as health is concerned. She is unavailable most days excepting the most required ones. She can't be depend ended on for everyday required decisions. She is never going to be physically or mentally able to run this Country.

    Vote accordingly.


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