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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Clinton's FBI Files Literally Mention "The Shadow Government" at the State Dept. Wow.

A powerful group of high-ranking state officials referred to as “The Shadow Government”. Really?

So Skull and Bones John Kerry is sitting over there in a group literally nicknamed “The Shadow Government” which decides what information will be released to the public and what will be censored in regard to fellow high-ranking elitist Hillary Clinton?

It’s almost a laughable cliché… except there it is in black and white.

And still there are people in this country who claim there’s no such thing as a cover up and it’s all a conspiracy.

Please. Give us a break.

(H/T: Lily Dane)

See Also: Video: John Kerry Admits They’re Making “Order Out of Chaos” to Create “World Order”

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  1. The country is in the grips of a Masonic Occult with a secret agenda. Many of us realized this conspiracy against the people years ago. A lot of people simply do not want to face the reality of the massive conspiracy.

    The richest people on the planet will get their way.
    They always have in the past.

  2. 3:22 is crazy! Although we leave our political views at the door....I dont know one Mason who wants to see Killery as president!Indeed I do agree that the very rich do play with our lives.

  3. 347
    I believe he was referring to the high level Masons.
    Not the blue (local) level.

    The inner core is privy to secrets that are kept hidden form blue levels. That is why blood oaths are required in order to advance.

  4. Lol....high levels are all around,and I was talking about past the Blue lodge.


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