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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Key Overtime Changes Raise Seasonal Business Concerns; Exemption Raised From $23K Annual Salary To $47K

OCEAN CITY – New overtime rules set by the U.S. Department of Labor took center stage Tuesday at a seminar hosted by the Ocean City Chamber of Commerce and the Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association (OCHMRA).

Attorney and guest speaker Doug Desmarais of Smith & Downey, P.A. addressed questions and concerns from nearly 80 local business owners who attended the event.

The administration’s new guidelines on overtime pay will take effect in every state Dec. 1, but with unique seasonal employment and business hours, many Ocean City employers at the meeting stressed their concerns about current and future business practices.

“Unfortunately, the folks who are running laws are not always people that have lived and walked in your shoes,” Desmarais said. “They paint things with a very broad brush.”



  1. Yes we have ignorant stupid politicians who have no clue about bussiness economics or basic math. Sickening. More jobs losses & higher prices on the way . It will lead to less buying power and no consumers. AND STILL THE CARROT IS OUTTA REACH FOR MOST OF US.

  2. The US government had to do this move (raise the salary requirement) in a desperate attempt to increase revenue. So many Americans now work low paying jobs that the tax base has been decimated. This is also why the borders are open. It must remain open in order to attract more "workers" who pay taxes.

    Once one understands the tremendous economic problems facing this government, it is easy to understand their agenda. They are desperate.

  3. 3:19 - why don't they just spend less? I can tell them where a lot of waste is!

  4. People no longer make decisions.
    We are in a technological age.
    Technique controls our lives.
    The end no longer must justify the means.
    The means are an end unto themselves.

    Welcome to the machine.


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