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Thursday, October 20, 2016

After Body Cameras Show That Black Lives Matter’s Claims Are Fabricated, They Don’t Want Them

Reports show that police complaints are down 93% Why does a group so focused on police accountability want body cameras to go away?

On the Movement for Black Lives website, which is a coalition of black social justice groups including black lives matter, you will find a very large list of demands. Under the “End the War on Black People” section, demand number 7 states

An end to the mass surveillance of Black communities, and the end to the use of technologies that criminalize and target our communities (including IMSI catchers, drones, body cameras, and predictive policing software).

We are pro-black lives, but oppose Black Lives Matter, which is a political group that is doing more harm for black people than helping. Many police agencies are embracing body cameras. The public loves body cameras. They show 100% transparency when it comes to police accountability.

This brings us to the big question of why does Black Lives Matter want to end the police use of body cameras?

In a study done last year by Cambridge University, researchers tracked 2,000 police officers using body cameras. The study covered 4,000 shifts which came out to 1.5 million hours of police work. The end result: police complaints nearly vanished. Agencies who used body cameras had a 93% drop in officer complaints.

Researches stated that this was due to and “observor effect”. When officers and the public are both aware that they are being recorded, their behavior is a whole lot better.



  1. Well, well...once they can't sue anyone they stop complaining..isn't that a suprise.

    1. Funny how that worked out...lol

  2. I said a year ago they will demand cameras but by doing so BLM (criminals) CANT use the excuse(defense) I didn't do it!! Some are in jail and guess what, obama/CLINTON are not bailing you out.

  3. they've all gotten their free tv's and tennis shoes. they're good for awhile.

  4. BLM no one ever said they where smart. They have the same disorder libtards have.

  5. Body cameras are a good thing. Everyone behaves better, the courts aren't filled with people who claim police misbehavior, and police are better able to document what really went down.


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