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Sunday, October 16, 2016

In the Wake of Media Frenzy:
On the Eve of Debate, Oddly Trump Support GROWS!

By Thornton Crowe

America is a nation founded by rebels, malcontents and... anarchists. None of our Founding Fathers would've swooned over vulgar words. Our presidents are no exception to the verbiage of sailors. Most people favor course language from straight shooters like General Patton and are unfazed by silver tongue stylings often found with slick professional politicians. Another example is one particularly notorious for his acid tongue was  Democrat President Lyndon Johnson.

The Media would have you believe they represent the neo-puritan values of new America, but this simply doesn't ring true. The public has been desensitized over the years because this same MSM has long been a champion of R-rated movies, late-night comedy and explicit lyrics. Somewhere, George Carlin is shaking his head.

Caesar's wife was supposed to be pure, not Caesar... 

America isn't a prude nation - we've weathered Revolution, crime, Civil War, riots, protests, social unrest, international wars, porn, racism and a host of other turbulent social dynamics. Trump's Mea Culpa came swiftly and, to some, surprisingly, but its not having the Liberals' desired effect. However, for every hour Hillary Clinton refuses to apologize for labeling Bernie supporters, "buckets of losers," her numbers suffer; for every day she refuses to come clean on what's now being revealed by Wikileaks, her credibility crumbles.

And this is only the beginning... 

Keep in mind, Clinton has only experienced a mere 1% of what Wikileaks has and about to expose to the world about her inner world and backroom talks. And if the Liberal media is reacting as hysterically as they are now with just 1%, imagine what the next 30 days have in store!

What Trump said as a private citizen a decade ago will be forgotten in a day or two. News cycles are hungry things -- stories are like Chinese food. The public's appetite for scandal will be well satiated with the coming Wikileaks... dirt on Hillary.

Considering all the dirt about to come forth, should she drop out?

As  FBI Insider close to Crowenation describes the "Hillary Dilemma" it's like this:
Imagine, you have all her supporters: MSM, celebrities, etc. serve as her Firewall. With every explosive reveal, Wikileaks damages that wall! As her people plug up the holes created within that wall with their index fingers, it becomes too much. At some point, the entire wall is going to give. Now, try stopping the ocean with your index finger and you'll understand what I mean...
Remember, America admires a Frank Sinatra, but they won't accept an Ethyl Rosenberg. We're use to our heroes being flawed but we can't stomach a reptilian sneak; especially in our White House!

Actions Speak Louder than Words...

Additionally, if you'd vote for corruption and criminality because of words not actions, do you really have any room to judge someone else's moral character?


  1. I can only hope for a Trump win , it's been a bumpy ride for Trump supporters and I'm sure it's going to get worse . I can only tell you that he may say some mean things , but Hillary does mean things that are illegal . I hope people realize this. I'm an old man and I've seen a lot dealing with elections. The past 8 years has opened the doors of corruption and lawlessness
    This socialist generation has caused the downfall of our nation. We need to be reborn now , not later. I also believe we must do what ever it takes to restore our nation , if it means war within or abroad , so be it. A smart individual can accomplish this task without violence , I hope that's the case.
    Thanks for the encouragement Mr. Crowe.

  2. I hope the sentiment continues. The thought of that witch, Hillary getting the Presidency makes me physically ill. I fought for this country as a Marine in Gulf 1. I might be older now but I would fight for my freedom. I'd rather die fighting for freedom than live on my knees.

  3. Actions vs words!! We know Hillary has covered for a rapist! We know she has threatened women who have spoken out against the rapist! We know she has boldly lied to the American people hours after killing a Mr. Stevens! We know she laughed about getting a child rapist off with 2 months served! We know she is taking brides from our enemies! She signed an agreement with Obama about how the Clinton foundation would conduct business and did not follow the contract! This is off the top of my head in one minute and I know the good people know all this. I could go on for days.

  4. 7:24
    I to have fought for this nation , 1966-1968 , most of us still believe in our nation and constitution , I can only hope we win with Trump.

  5. Hmm I guess no one noticed the email dump released by Wiki.
    I am so sick and tired of the one sided MSM slaughter of Trump. Barely a word on what has been revealed, including the fact that she lied to the FBI since her and Obama previously discussed her email issue as early as 2015.
    I can only hope that people stay aware of what they are trying to distract us from.

    And yes I am more concerned that she defends a rapist that him making a crude comment. And I am a female.

    1. 8:41am I am still going through all the emails. Wasn't just Wikileaks but also DC leaks and Guccifer 2 dumped last Thursday/Friday. Don't write much on that info here because when I did all I heard was complaints. People in denial. Seemed like a waste of time because people don't like hearing the truth about Clinton and her criminal/corrupt dealings as she sells off America like a NJ chop shop.

    2. The email dump has been covered by the media, there just isn't any thing there to keep covering.

  6. Billie Bush is a cousin of Jeb & George W. This was given to Clinton to use now for a reason. Ask yourselves. What does Trump know from his former friendship with the Bushes that they're scared he'll reveal to US public? Why do you think Jeb continues to work with Romney to get Trump out? What secrets does Trump know about them and why are they obviously terrified. Follow the 💰 ! Heads up they have also fabricate a civil rape case that's supposed to break later this week.

    1. No wonder regular people never want to run for elected office. Opponents just make stuff up and smear others' reputations for the sake of winning.

  7. I'm sure that every man, somewhere along the line, has said something derogatory about a woman or women, maybe not to the extent that Trump did, but still it was said. However, whatever Trump said cannot Trump what Hillary has done and what she has lied about and who she has lied to, how many people have died because of her, and how very corrupt she is. Don't let the media distract you from her wrongdoing, which is exactly what they are trying to do. We do not need this evil witch in the White House with all her corrupt ways. Vote Trump!! Yes, I am a woman.

  8. I could expose many local businessmen and politicians who have said many vulgar statements about women, blacks, etc., in the past. Some are still with us. This smear campaign is just desperation from the liberals to get Hillary elected. Her actions and those who follow the Clintons are destroying America and must be stopped!

  9. Not just men. I've heard women talk pretty badly about men and other women as well.

  10. The people realize that this is part pf the smear campaign and similar damning info about the HildaBeast is being swept under the rug.

    Liberals are offended by what he has said - Conservatives have died by what she has done!

  11. Don't write much on that info here because when I did all I heard was complaints. People in denial. Seemed like a waste of time because people don't like hearing the truth about Clinton and her criminal/corrupt dealings as she sells off America like a NJ chop shop.

    October 9, 2016 at 8:47 AM

    Of course killary supporters are going to complain. Don't let that stop you. As a combat pilot will tell you, you get the most flak when you are near the target.

  12. I don't care what Trump said ten or twenty years ago. This is just a diversion for Hillary to attack Trump. She says nothing about the issue facing our nation, Just dirt, dirt, dirt on Trump. All of this Trump stuff happened years ago and he wasn't in politics at the time. All of the Clintons dirty dealings and murders happened while she was a politician representing our country.

  13. Are any of you married? Do any of you have daughters? Are you conservative, moral Americans? If a man acted in this manner, crudely attempting to seduce your wife, then disparaging her when he couldn't succeed, would you accept this as "locker room banter"? If so then you are less than a man.

    1. Please 99.9% of men have talked just like this. And then there is Bill Clinton while in the White House. I'll take a vulgar candidate over a liar and thief. One that compromised our national security. 4 people died because of her and your worried about vulgar talk. That is the least of this country's problems!! BTW walk in any school in wicomico county...you will hear worse than that ! I am a woman and I don't care what he said... I just want our country fixed !!

  14. 10:23
    The man sad he was sorry for something he said 10 years ago. I've said worse things in the past and have been married for 47 years , get a life with your ignorant thinking. This is the biggest decision that our country is in. Hillary has never been sorry for anything , murder , ethics , morals or all the lies. Anyway , what planet are you on or is it drugs you are on.

  15. There is no doubt in my mind that the recording of Trump's personal locker room talk was held until late in the race and I think they probably have more that they will release in the coming weeks but there is hardly a red blooded American alpha male who hasn't thought and said similar things. It is just boastful BS and wishful thinking. Women just need to think how many times they get propositioned in the course of a day, week or lifetime especially when they are young. They should take it as a complement and get over it.My daughter has told me the talk between women when they are drinking and partying is just as bad so ladies forget all that crap and think about the safety of your children and the rest of your family the only person who will honestly work to keep America safe is Trump. Please give this some real thought. Vote Trump.

  16. 10:23 I'm married 48 yrs to my high school sweetheart. I have raised 2 successful children a son and a daughter, and have 4 mannerly and polite grandchildren. I consider myself as mannerly and polite but not politically correct. As a man who has participated in sports all my life I have heard and used locker room language myself. Moreover and in most cases it's used as humor. Get over yourself. FYI. I'm in great physical shape, have professional training and fear no one. If you continue to accuse someone who you do not know of being less than a man, you either have brain damage or will have soon.

  17. 10:23 - making stuff up? "then disparaging her when he couldn't succeed" - I am not aware of that happening?

    Oh a Killary supporter lying? Imagine that.

    It was a private conversation. It should have been kept just that.

  18. 11:09 AM - No actually they have not covered it. They keep sweeping it under the rug like a good bought off MSM should.

    1. It's right on Wapo's and NYT front page for a start.

  19. Thank you 11:11, 11:12, and 11:25. I need not comment.

  20. Quite the contrary, to the person saying there's nothing in the emails. The Syrian/Libyan arms deal Clinton brokered in Benghazi which lead to death of Stevens is in the leaks. Actually also contains where Pentagon begged to send in assets to extract the four people who ended up dying. Assange came through with the goods and they keep coming. Please get informed before making such nutsy statements in a forum. Even though you're anonymous, consequential slams must hurt on one level or another for you!

  21. 11:09 AM - If you call covering it a ten second soundbite, then it's covered. What isn't is the content, which is the only important thing. That would be really covering it. What the media essentially does now is to hide it all in plain sight.

  22. Tidbit from Wikileaks. Clinton is planning to do away with second amendment via executive order. She will sign it away. Is this what you want?

  23. Ladies get over the locker room talk,everyone does it to some extent. I'm sure the media would have a lot to say if Trump was an effeminate wuss fortunately he's a strong alpha male who hates political correctness and that is exactly what this country needs right now.

  24. Even with the MSM totally in the tank for Hillary she is just a mere 3 to 4 % points ahead of Trump. Don't get caught up in this illusion that Trump can't win. I truly think he will win in a landslide.


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