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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Hogan calls Trump’s comments about women ‘disgraceful’

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) – Gov. Larry Hogan says Donald Trump’s comments about women in a 2005 recording were “disgraceful and outrageous.”

The Republican governor on Tuesday noted that he said months ago he wouldn’t support the Republican presidential nominee. Hogan says “a lot of other people are now joining that bandwagon.”

In the recording, Trump is heard saying he can grab, kiss and “do anything” with women because he is famous. On Sunday, he denied that he’s ever grabbed women without their consent and described the comments as “locker room talk.”



  1. Get over it, Larry. So much for being silent about the election, eh?

  2. He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones!
    I voted for you, and I like your policies, but your stance on Trump has been a very big disappointment! Don't forget your voter base and those who helped to get you in office. It could come back to bite you in the next election!

  3. Hogan just like Ryan....piece of crap! Afraid to stand up for party, doesn't want to jeopardize his political office....

  4. Hey governor listen to a rap song or anything by Beyoncé or Kanye. Is this the role model you prefer? Remember Hillary idolizes Beyoncé.

  5. Can't wait to vote Hogan out and get back to good governors.

    1. Good governors? Name the last good govenor for Maryland. Hogan is a massive improvement. .I'm not thrilled with his distancing but he is still a huge improvement.

  6. We all need to remember this when he is up for reelection.

  7. Wake up! Hogan is the best thing that's happened in Maryland politics in a very long time. He's a man of principle. Folks seem to demand everyone see the world as they do. That's more of a Clinton thing than a Trump thing. Stop whining every time someone disagrees with you.

    1. God please elect trump otherwise this world is doomed.

  8. Thank you 12:07; well said.

  9. Larry enjoy ur time in the gob mansion bc ur DONE after this term RINO.

  10. 12:23 PM - God doesn't get to vote.

  11. @12:07 So you are okay with him not backing his party? He has stated he will not vote for Trump. So what is he going to do? Not vote at all? I doubt that! It means he is going to vote for Hillary! That disgusts me!! He will NOT get my vote when it's re-election time! And btw he has done NOTHING to change Marylands gun laws. All talk and no action. May as well be a Democrat!!

  12. I agree that Hogan is a rino. he needed to support Donald trump. either you are with the republicans or you are against them. and trump is against "us"! I won't vote for him again. Trump all the way! I really feel Clinton is the enemy of the citizens of American and hope and pray that Trump wins.

  13. What was that song "True Colors" ?

  14. Gov. Hogan:
    At least Mr. Trump apologized for comments he made YEARS ago.
    The Democratic campaigner has NEVER apologized for anything, for her lies, for the murder of four men in Benghazi, for the unethical use of a person server for government e-mails, or anything else. She seems to think she can do no wrong. We DO NOT need such a person in the White House. We have had that for eight years and are in the worse shape ever as a country.
    I cannot understand how you could possible back her as a presidential candidate.
    Are you looking to undo all the positive things you have done in the state of Maryland?

  15. Here's the question I SO want to hear a reporter pose to these hypocrites:
    "Sir, can you honestly say that you have never in your life made a comment about women or a woman that today you would consider 'disgraceful'?
    "...And if the answer is 'no', would you be willing to promise that you would immediately resign your office if 100% solid evidence was found that you, in fact, did say something like that sometime during your life?"

  16. Stuff it Larry!! 12:07 - He has principles when he wants them. Don't be fooled.

  17. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 12, 2016 at 3:20 PM

    Larry Hogan has job to do as Governor of Maryland, and not to be playing "opinionated analyst" on Presidential race. We hear those "crooked Pundits" on every MSM channels every day, so Larry, you don't need to be like them.
    Besides, regardless what Trump said 11 years ago, his actions never killed anyone, unlike Crooked Clintons, who got the blood on their hands many times over. Just remember, with Trump we have a chance to Make America Great Again. With Crooked Hillary we have Nothing.
    Trump Train 2016!

  18. There's no political advantage for anybody if Hogan endorses Trump.

    Maryland is deep blue. It won't sway the electoral college one bit. No benefit for the party, Trump, or himself.

    His best play is towards the Democratic majority, to maintain his centrist position. He's staying out of the election drama, and that's the smart thing to do. He needs to save his political capital for dealing with the house/senate.

  19. I agree with 12:07. However, Hogan's predecessor put the hurt on 2nd amendment in MD with strict gun control. If Hillary gets in the 2nd goes away (ref. 2008 ruling narrowly defeated by 5 -4 Ginsburg's version to limit gun rights to state militia members only). I like Hogan and think he has done well in Annapolis but I also think there will come a time when he will wish he had a conservative in the White House.

  20. He forgets the republicans voted him in and with his non - loyal backing we will vote him out.

  21. Larry. Remember that Norm Conway forgot to listen to the voters. Many of us are still waiting repeal of gun laws especially unconstitutional carry permit restrictions.

  22. Hogan, I can't stand you, and I've been a Republican longer than you.

    You are the epitome of a douche bag politician that will do or say anything to stay in power.

    Go ahead and keep digging your hole.

  23. Dave T: Go back to bed Larry, you closet Liberal ! If we want your opinion, we'll ask. You remind of many other clowns in politics today. You practice appeasement and pretend to be something you are not. Seems like the GOP has many establishment followers who operate this way. I'm sure you and Hillary will get along just fine. Birds of feather do flock together !

  24. Really do not care what he has to say he lost my vote months ago.

  25. Maybe Hogan needs to be a real man and step up and clean up Baltimore. We all talk about the murder rate else where last time I check Baltimore is still in Maryland. The man is a pure politician.

  26. Another useful idiot for the globalist fast track larry? You have lost this independents vote! Appears you are just like the other turncoats traitors to the GOP. At least the fools in the Democratic party stick together regardless of how smelly they appear. TRUMP will win and we will get our country back. Then you be out of a job with your buddy democrats and omally. Your kind sickens me. This is just one more reason i seek moving from this LIBTARD state called maryland.

  27. I like hogan but , are you above a mistake No! IF you haven't trash talked as a guy you , have no balls,we all do it .Its normal yet doing bad things are not ,.This pc crap is for the birds.

  28. No one HAS to vote their own party for every election.

  29. A write in candidate really larry.. man up and pull that lever for Trump or your a traitor and a useless politician

  30. You people just don't get it do you? MD is never going to reverse course on 2A and CCW. Industry is never coming back to the eastern shore and you are not getting a Trader Joes. Vote Hogan out and end up with a few decades more of democratic governors, that will show'em!

  31. Hogan is turning into the political person that will say anything if it keeps liberals happy. I wish I could take my vote back and will not vote for him the future. Hogan is for the establishment. He has not supported ANYTHING trump as done. Not even going to Louisiana. I'm done with you enjoy your 100k sidewalk WE paid for.

  32. I like what Governor Hogan has completed to help the Eastern Shore and I voted for him. I pray he continues to undo all the damage left by o'taxie. I am very disappointed that he failed to introduce Trump when he came to Berlin to speak. The governor was in Salisbury speaking at a Poultry Meeting and could have easily left for Berlin. This didn't speak well of our State and a missed opportunity that could have led to a discussion on creating and advancing some more jobs locally.

    I truly am disappointed of his lack of support for the REPUBLICAN nominee and pray he will reconsider for the sake of this country not only Maryland. This nation will not recover again period. This is it and we all better wake up and smell the bombs flying over us if Hillary gets elected.

    I will not speak ill of the governor he has been through a very hard time and suffered a great deal of pain while still trying to govern and I prayed for him and his family.

    I pray he will consider the national damage Hillary will do and decide to vote for Trump.

  33. 8:12 You are so right what he has done is without saying it is help Hillary. A no vote by any Republican is a vote for that nasty witch. Think hard America we do not need four more years of what we have seen from Ohblahblah

  34. one area with which I disagree. Is he voting for HRC?

  35. I love the RINO comments about Hogan. You realize this is a BLUE state, right. I know it's easy to sit out here on the Eastern Shore and forget the rest of Maryland matters (probably waaaay more than the Shore, btw). As Governor, he needs to do what's best for ALL Marylanders...and you are allowed to disagree, but that doesn't make him a RINO. Furthermore, you keep saying "can't wait to vote him out." You realize that NO legitimate Republican is going to run against him, right? And if they do, they will get POUNDED in the primary. Then what are you going to do, vote for the Democrat? Doesn't that then make YOU a RINO? Get a grip people...politics isn't about doing exactly what YOU think is best...it's about what's best for the MAJORITY of people. Don't believe me, read some John Locke, or John Stuart Mill, learn about Social Contract...it's the whole basis of our country.

  36. Because of the establishment Republicans. After this election no matter if Trump wins or loses I am going to change my registration from Republican to Independent. I am tired of the GOP taking my vote for granted. I am tired of having my voice go unheard as they make backroom deals that go in favor of their globalist views and not in the best interest of The United States. I will never vote Democrat but I just may sit at home and not vote in future elections. GOP you have a lot of work to do to regain the trust of "Everyday Republicans" like myself.

  37. Hey 12:36 If Illegals are allowed to vote, felons are allowed to vote
    and the dead are allowed to vote. Why not God?

  38. 8:06, all you are doing by changing to Independent is disqualifying yourself from voting in the Primaries.

    Think twice about that.

  39. So what if Hogan votes for Hillary I hope Hogan only has the one term. So he believes Hillary's husband Bill raped a 12 year old, and raped and had sex with different women one for over 12 years Jennifer Flowers so that makes her a better choice for president, she blackmailed those women, harassed and belittled them but never the great husband he got total forgiveness, and all is well with that out look at Bengazi and the fact she is the one who allowed and ignored the murder of four. And her e-mails no sentence! Hogan is a dim whit.

  40. He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone....

  41. What was disgraceful ? He was talking in private most people talk like that in public so if it's wrong you must condemn society itself which Democrats have structured with help from their donors from Hollywood and media in general.

  42. So, I suppose he's supporting Clinton. I would have much preferred to a race with Biden and/or Pence. I imagine that the campaign would have been much more about issues and ideas. I am female and D and will be casting a vote for Trump. Do I like what he said? No. Do I like the denigrating language of rappers cheered on by the Obama's and invited into the White House? Absolutely not! Do I like what Bill Clinton did? Certainly not! Do I like Hillary's response and treatment of the victims? No, again. Governor, a vote for Hillary is a vote for lawlessness. We are a country of laws. I will speak out against the actions, but will cast my vote to take back the laws and constitution of our land. What is wrong with you?

  43. "Hogan wants to recall Confederate plates in Maryland"

    June 23, 2015

    Gov. Larry Hogan will pursue action to stop the state from issuing license plates bearing images of the Confederate battle flag, aides said Tuesday, as momentum seemed to swing decisively against the controversial symbol of a divided America.


    This is when Hogan lost my vote!! Hogan wants to play that PC game, guess what Buddy, YOU will lose!

  44. Anonymous said...
    You people just don't get it do you? MD is never going to reverse course on 2A and CCW. Industry is never coming back to the eastern shore and you are not getting a Trader Joes. Vote Hogan out and end up with a few decades more of democratic governors, that will show'em!

    October 12, 2016 at 6:58 PM

    This must be another "Moderate." Another Closet Democrat!!

  45. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I love the RINO comments about Hogan. You realize this is a BLUE state, right. I know it's easy to sit out here on the Eastern Shore and forget the rest of Maryland matters (probably waaaay more than the Shore, btw). As Governor, he needs to do what's best for ALL Marylanders...and you are allowed to disagree, but that doesn't make him a RINO. Furthermore, you keep saying "can't wait to vote him out." You realize that NO legitimate Republican is going to run against him, right? And if they do, they will get POUNDED in the primary. Then what are you going to do, vote for the Democrat? Doesn't that then make YOU a RINO? Get a grip people...politics isn't about doing exactly what YOU think is best...it's about what's best for the MAJORITY of people. Don't believe me, read some John Locke, or John Stuart Mill, learn about Social Contract...it's the whole basis of our country.

    October 13, 2016 at 8:19 AM

    RINO comments? LMFAO!! Hogan is the RINO!!

    Apparently YOU are the RINO!!


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