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Friday, September 30, 2016

VA Deploys Golden Parachutes for Badly Behaving Bureaucrats

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill that would make it easier for managers at the troubled Department of Veterans Affairs to fire the employees and supervisors at the VA who have engaged in misconduct by a vote of 310 to 116.

The House voted 310-116 Wednesday to arm the Department of Veterans Affairs, exclusively among federal departments, with tougher employee “accountability” tools to punish misconduct and better protect whistleblowers.

It’s the latest political fallout from the patient wait time scandal of 2014 and multiple smaller investigations into misbehaving VA supervisors and staff that have become the primary focus of the House Veterans Affairs Committee under chairman Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) who is to retire January.

The VA Accountability First and Appeals Modernization Act of 2016 (HR 5620), introduced by Miller in July, would provide new authorities for VA to withhold financial incentives or to demote or fire employees faster than current federal employee protection law allows.



  1. Its pathetic to see this happening now. They realize that they have been allowed to "goof off" the past eight years and now all of a sudden they care about helping veterans.

  2. In the past, federal employment was low pay but job security and good benefits.

    Now, federal employment is MUCH HIGHER PAY than the private sector, absolute job security (impossible to fire), and GREAT benefits.

    The whole system needs and must be fixed.



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