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Friday, September 30, 2016

Evacuation In Progress On Delaware Ave In Salisbury

SPD & SFD are in the process of evacuating 6 residents on Delaware Ave due to high water. Water is reported to be 4 to 5 feet deep. A/C units are under water and water can be seen 1 to 2 feet above front doors. 

Requesting Jon boats to assist with evacuation. 

Station 3 (Fruitland) being requested to assist with evacuation.  
(no response from station 3)

Station 2  engine requested, 9 and 12 requested to respond with boats.   

Station 9 and 12 now being canceled.

Station 2 now requested to standby at their station. 

Station 5 requested to send Ambulance to standby at Station 16.


  1. What a mess!!! High water everywhere, emergency personnel out in force again!

  2. Well I'm glad the city police or whoever finally got around to evacuating these people.

  3. 5:36 a.m. - Because surely the police didn't have anything else to do with the entire area flooding...good grief, what a bunch of critical, nasty people comment on this blog! You should be ashamed of yourselves!

  4. What, no mention of the Fire Boat? Dang folks, get with the program!!

  5. Unusual for Fruitland not to respond..

  6. The million dollar fireboat still sits, too big for some things, too little for others, but still costing us $50,000-$100,000 every year in maintenance, fuel, training and insurance. But it sure is shiny!


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