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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Trump camp acknowledges Obama born in U.S., blames Clinton for ‘birther’ issue

Donald Trump’s campaign moved to take the “birther” issue off the plate by releasing a statement Thursday night acknowledging that Barack Obama was born in the U.S. and even taking credit for solving the issue.

The statement accuses the Hillary Clinton campaign of bringing up the issue in the first place and says Mr. Trump deserves credit for having put the factual issue to rest by getting Mr. Obama to release his long-form birth certificate.

“Having successfully obtained President Obama’s birth certificate when others could not, Mr. Trump believes that President Obama was born in the United States,” said Jason Miller, the Trump campaign’s senior communications adviser.



  1. Where is all that information the Trumps investigators found in Hawaii?

    1. ASK obamas kenyan sister and kenyan grandmother.

    2. pay for play is more damaging then any Hawaii info. And Obama is fired in 2 months who cares where he is from

  2. Trump Camp is just kissing the Obama lovers asses he said it himself that Obama wasn't born in the U.S.

  3. Doesn't matter now where he was thrown. What does matter is when he will be thrown out of these great states.

  4. Obummers own grandmother said he was born in kenya! His wife called it his "homeland", and all that crap from his college days states in plain English that he was BORN IN KENYA! And that's the facts Jack!!

  5. There isn't any 10:15. Just more BS from the biggest POS on the planet.

    1. even with all the lies, emails, foundation corruption real evidence you can read with your own eyes and still support her. Your a crazy person and you have crazy thoughts. You are the biggest pos on the planet because you support a real life criminal empire. Clinton mafia and you will never be part of it or benifit from it.

  6. What about the sign in Kenya that claims he was born there?

  7. When Obama was born, there were only caucasians in the room and he was light skinned. It only made sense to note Caucasian on the birth certificate at the time. Kinda tough playing the race card if that document had floated around.

  8. Trump just lost my vote, we need an honest president!

  9. Obama's mother and Barak Sr. weren't really married. It was a sham marriage so he could stay in the US to get his degree and Obama's leftist mother and parents could have an exotic name on the birth certificate. Why would his mother even think of going to Kenya.

  10. He WAS.born in Kenya he is just trying to Appease the black vote ,obama was born in kenya and brought to hawaii as a infant FACT.

  11. Trump can't be trusted either.
    I hate Hillary - so don't go bashing on me.

    I think we got screwed again.
    No real legitimate candidate.

  12. I think I will vote for the new Hillary.
    Much better than old Hillary (with the mole on lip).

    Probably will be grateful to have the opportunity to serve.

  13. Trump is doing the right thing now. He wants to move on and talk about what really matters at this point in time...A lot of us may believe different, but it's not the time to discuss...

  14. The media is using this so they will stop talking about Hillary's health.

  15. Back when O was born, birth records state Black not AA. Just saying. Yes I have worked in birth records for many years.(Map)


  16. In Hillary's own words, 'At this point, what does it matter?'

    It's Democrat planted red herring to get Trump off topic and provide controversy for MSM to chew and spew. No upside for taking the bait.

    It is pretty clear that Clinton camp was feeding the rumor in 2008 but got overrun by demographics. So the actual facts remain the actual facts; perhaps someday we'll know for sure.

    Focus is her disastrous track record, untenable plans and health.

  17. I ask is Obama an American citizen and nobody will tell me or give me documentation if he is. Remember his own words that he attended school in Indonesia. Indonesia law does not recognize dual citizenship. So how did he attend an Indonesian school unless he gave up his "US" citizenship and become an Indonesian citizen? Obama also received foreign student loans while attending college. How did he do this if he was an American citizen? So all these "know it alls" tell me where and when he became a US citizen. Then tell me why he was not prosecuted for receiving federal loans / grants to attend college under false pretense if he is an American citizen.

  18. Why is this an issue now? It was when there was a possibility of impeachment, but that never happened, and now his term is over. There's no point of even arguing the point now.

    Nothing on the present issues could possibly be solved or affected if in fact he was found to be a non-citizen.

    It has NOTHING to do with the election at hand.



  19. "Patti Solis Doyle, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2008 until the Iowa caucuses, admitted on Friday that a Clinton campaign staffer had, in fact, circulated the Birther conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was born outside the U.S. and therefore potentially ineligible to serve in the presidency."

  20. Steve 9:18pm It was an issue but Liberals wanted to elect the first "Black" POTUS. Technically he is not . He is half white con artist.


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