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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Because New Jersey Drivers Deserve 4 Parking Spaces On The Shore


  1. I would to or park way out in the back of the lot cause the people that have nothing nice or are just ignorant around here will hit it with carts or there doors

    1. That is why I park far away. Only an idiot would take up 4 spaces. And a lazy one at that.

  2. thank you 8:26, I do not blame that person either for not wanting some ignorant person to put dents in their vehicle either.

    And I also park at the end of the lot and sometimes take up 2 spaces because I know the majority are too lazy to walk that far to get in to the store.

  3. you can tell by the tree line, that this person is parked very far away from the store. those parked at the tree line are employees. So what is your point? At least they picked a spot furthest away. I would do the same thing.

  4. 8:45, Not at all true. This is what surprised me so much because they were parked maybe 5 spots away from the from of Walmart. This was at the east entrance of the store.

  5. Pliers will take a valve stem out in a second.

  6. I'm sure he just needed to one up the Marylanders who always take up multiple sparking spaces.

  7. I also park far away 95% of the time. Still do not need two spaces. Come on you divas. This person is clearly an ass and you morons are somehow sticking up for him. It is clear they are parked near the store due to the # of vehicles parked around next to the truck. Please start thinking critically or you might be considered a democrat.

  8. Be almost worth getting my old beater and park right beside and just squeeeeze in. Set up my dashcam and record. Think I could fit right by the white truck and pull up to just barely block the door.

  9. 8:58 Correct. Or call a Tow company and the store will pay for it.

  10. Patrons could always 'park the truck in', thereby blocking it from leaving for a period of time and enjoy the 'show' as the owner becomes increasingly more frustrated....might be the subject of a good YouTube video....

    1. Good idea, thanks, but I see inconsiderate people do that all the time. They are like a lot of people I know, they are worshippers of "things." And of course no police officers are around to give moron a ticket.

  11. Block em in! Zip tie carts to their doors! I do all i can to piss em off

  12. 8:52 no walmart's have a tree line that close to the door. Front of the walmart? The end of the building where no one else wants to park?

    Sorry but I am on his side. People are careless and rude and will hit your door without a thought. I do not blame them one bit.

    This is more of a statement of how far society has come to only care about themselves and not others, and what people feel they need to do to protect their belongings.

    If the dimwitted would think beyond the obvious you would see the real message and not the stupid one you are trying to make of it.

  13. He did nothing different than the Walmart does themselves.
    This is at the very end of the store by the garden center where no one parks, and walmart usually takes up all the front row parking spaces with pallets of garden center product.

  14. 9:48
    Wish you would reconsider that mindset. I have been a car guy all my life and now a disabled senior. I park as far away from inconsiderate drivers to keep my vehicles in nice shape. Sometimes it seems as if they come park close just to piss me off, when I have parked legal and just like to care for my things.

  15. 10:18, Clearly you've not been to the Walmart in Berlin. The east main entrance is in fact very close to the garden center. The spaces they took up were also very close to the building itself as well. For those of us only going into Walmart for dog for, (for example) we'd like to enjoy 3 additional spaces these people took up. It's a very busy store, especially during the summer season.

  16. yes I have been to the walmart in berlin and yes it is at the end of the store by the garden center, where no one wants to park and a distance away from the main entrance.

    All you have to do is go to google and bring up the aerial photo and you will see that usually that is not a very busy end of the store compared to the middle or the grocery center on the other end. And that walmart also usually takes us all the parking nearest to the garden center door with pallets of product.

    If people were not so rude and were more careful, people would not feel like they have to park like this.

    But I will say that, that store is one of the nicer ones and less ghetto than the stores in salisbury and fruitland.

  17. POS!!

    I have no problem taking up 4 spaces as long as it is at the very end of the parking lot where no one ever parks.

    I keep my vehicles clean and it never fails, every time I park in a space some idiot dings my door.

    In this case people should have parked in front of him and behind him to block him in.

  18. Looks like plenty of folks are parking there. But they don't need 4 spots.

  19. I always figure that if someone parks in multiple spaces that they want their vehicle scratched. So I always oblige.

  20. 2:48 yea because being to total POS like you are and vandalizing someones property is not as wrong as a bad park job.

    I love idiots like you commenting in a public blog so that when I tell my friend of the ignorant POS that live here, I can back it up by showing them your comment.

  21. I love idiots like you commenting in a public blog so that when I tell my friend of the ignorant POS that live here, I can back it up by showing them your comment.

    September 17, 2016 at 5:23 PM

    you don't have to do all that, just talking to you will show him an ignorant POS.

  22. 10:31 do you take up multiple spaces? And I suggest you park in a handicap spot! I won't reconsider anything! These type folks need to learn they're no better than anyone else is!

  23. Here's what you do: Leave a note on his windshield saying you are sorry you hit and dented his vehicle, and that it may not be safe to drive, and leave a (BS) phone number and insurance number on the note.
    Park a few spaces away and watch him search all over his truck for the damage.
    (Yes, I'm retired. I have a lot of time on my hands to have this kind of fun!)

  24. 8:58
    Little overboard don't you think. Pliers may end up ..... well you know. You folks that claim you would do this and that, may later regret it. You have no business touching or messing with a vehicle that doesn't belong to you. So you are up tight someone parks wrong and you want to go out of your tree. Calm down idiots. Take care of your business and the world would be much better.

  25. 8:17 Do you work at SU in the Conflict Resolution Center?
    Must be a comehere that doesn't understand how we do things on the shore. First, the a hole from NJ ain't got a gun. NJ is worse than MD on gun rights and if he brings a knife to a gun fight, well you know how that turns out. I'll take my chances with a local judge if caught yanking out a valve stem of a NJ punk taking up 4 spots down to the Walmart. The judge might even shop there and be pissed off too.

  26. They can't park, they don't know how to pump gas or turn right on red. Jersey is one small step above PA drivers.

  27. just go in store and buy some large onions and shove up tailpipe out of sight. then sit back and laugh as he scratches his head and wonders why truck won't start and no real damage


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