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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Team FIGHTS BACK after soccer player tries to snub National Anthem; she’s STUNNED

If you’ve been keeping up with the whole Colin Kaepernick debacle, then you know the new “hip” way professional athletes are pretending to be social justice warriors is by sitting down during our National Anthem.

While many folks across the wide world of sports have been joining Kaepernick in his “crusade” for equality, there are a few athletic organizations that simply aren’t having it.

A Washington area soccer team recently intervened to prevent a player from being able to kneel during the National Anthem by changing the pre-game ceremony so the song was played before teams took the field.



  1. If she really doesn't care for the song, why be "stunned" that she was left off the field as it was played?

    When you are an idiot, you must be played as one!

  2. I wish that true patriots in this country would form a counter-protest.
    By that I mean that all who are offended by what we consider disrespect to the flag and country, should also "take a knee" and sit-out spending ANY money on any sponsors of games where this protest takes place.
    I'm not calling it a "boycott". It's our form of protest, pure and simple.
    If this catches on, see what happens - especially in pro football - to the grand-standers who participate in what I feel is a slap to the face of America.
    I, for one, will note all the sponsors and act accordingly.

  3. ALL teams need to do this until trump becomes President.

  4. Boycott the players merchindise and email the owners.

  5. I bet all of you'll complaining about this are white?? SMH no wonder you don't understand

    1. You have been trolling all day. Kinda humorous.

    2. Try being a white male in 2016. I'm considered racist simply by my color. I wasn't hired for numerous jobs, always worked sun up to sun down, never had anything handed to me and go into certain neighborhoods stores barber shops and supporting events. My skin is my sin. It won't change me and never will. I love everyone.

    3. 655 welfare troll

  6. Don't do anything if you do not support downgrading OUR values. Simply stop supporting the sport. If NFL died tomorrow, it won't affect me but it will affect a lot of well paid players.

    Your rules or our rules. If it's your rules, learn how to flip a burger and move on.

  7. 6:55 even if they are white they can agree there are race issues in this country and still disagree with way in which these asshats are "protesting."

  8. 655, making this a race thing? How? WTF? What color is an American? I just don't get, or want, your confrontational attitude.

    Go back to Momma's basement, you're an asshat.

    1. Where do you think he's typing from?

    2. Where do you think he's typing from?

  9. Why is she so upset to not participate in something she wasnt going to participate in?

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I wish that true patriots in this country would form a counter-protest.

    So, what's wrong with you starting it?

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I bet all of you'll complaining about this are white?? SMH no wonder you don't understand

    September 9, 2016 at 6:55 PM

    We understand just fine thank you. I don't recall anyone saying colon didn't have the right to sit on his whiny butt. And I've only seen a handful anywhere that denies we don't have police issues. All of that are valid concerns. Personally, I don't feel he was sincere in his little 'sit-in'.

    If you want to have a serious and meaningful discussion with someone you do not first offend them and piss them off and expect positive results.

    My little theory is he knows his career is sliding down the toilet and he comes up with this stunt to garner some attention. Maybe to help his marketability. I bet he did not expect such a negative reception that his action received. And now he comes out with a million dollar donation to some charity or whatever. He wanted to atone and soften the ridicule? Who knows.

    And all this after his recent conversion to Islam, which itself is suspect to me. And now some other athletes have jumped on his bandwagon as a show of support? Horseshit. If he really cared anything about what he NOW cares about, why did he wait until now to say something, using his 'platform'?

    Why not last year or the year before? For one, he hadn't converted to Islam yet. For another, his football ability hadn't gotten to the poor level yet that it is today. Maybe he felt that he was going to be cut and pulled this stunt so he could claim he was cut for this asinine action. Who knows.

    This action of his, and his 'supporters' actions' prove one thing to me. You don't have to be smart to be a millionaire. At least not in this country. This oppressive country no less.

    He doesn't care about blacks being killed much less poor black trash thugs being killed because of their own behavior. He did it for his own selfish reasons knowing in today's' political and social climates it would cause a stir and groups like BLM would get behind him.

    And even then I don't believe he came up with this idea on his own. I bet his 'new friends' have shown him this path. They are well funded and coached by the same donors.

    When will certain groups wise up and at least TRY to think for themselves?

  12. There is more than one way to skin a cat. I applaud the team action.

  13. Go back to Momma's basement, you're an asshat.

    September 9, 2016 at 8:19 PM

    Oh these stimulating retorts.. so refreshing.

  14. I am an old white man. What made this country great originally is our rights to our own opinions. So for that I can't fault the man. However he has assaulted the senses of many white, black, and brown people without thinking ahead to the results. Plus he's fugly. You like that 12:59?

    1. Thank you for the belly laugh. "Fugly"...haven't heard that one in a while!!!! 👍

  15. 6:55 that is what is wrong with this country. This not a white or black thing. It is an American thing. If you are white or black you are free to leave at any time. Try taking a trip to Arlington National Cemetery and tell again why you think this is o.k. men and women of all colors are laid to rest there. I have no issue with the cause and concern wrong stage prop being used. That flag never discriminated against anyone. You racist s.o.b. should just man up and say I hate whitey. I can live with that and would not be offended. All this rhetoric has changed me that you can be sure of.

  16. Women's professional soccer game? Big deal. There were possibly 10 people on hand to watch the game. No one would have noticed her little "protest" any way. She is a gay female athlete who married her partner. Yet, she protests our country for not being "understanding". SMH

  17. She is unhappy because she will not collect her "payoff" under the table for disrupting the proceedings and drawing media and public attention away from Obama's tricks.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am an old white man. What made this country great originally is our rights to our own opinions. So for that I can't fault the man. However he has assaulted the senses of many white, black, and brown people without thinking ahead to the results. Plus he's fugly. You like that 12:59?

    September 10, 2016 at 6:15 AM

    well it's a little better. keep trying. try to make a point without attacking the messenger or go on a personal attack.everybody has their opinions. disagree, sure. but no need to attack or belittle someone over it.

  19. That's a woman? I think "she" would be welcomed at Target

  20. She looks like a lotta them redneck women except she is not as fat.

  21. She's mad she didn't get to be a media whore and grab attention.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She looks like a lotta them redneck women except she is not as fat.

    September 11, 2016 at 7:27 AM

    Do you feel better? Was that really necessary?

  23. Yes and were all the prior comments necessary? There must be a lack of mirrors on the eastern shore.

  24. She is a man in a woman's body and shouldn't be playing on a womens soccer team.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yes and were all the prior comments necessary? There must be a lack of mirrors on the eastern shore.

    September 11, 2016 at 4:22 PM

    obviously and in your case, a lack of self-awareness.

  26. Where 10:49? You get 1 guess. Post it here and if you are correct with the city and state, I will ensure you receive a crisp new $100 bill as long as Joe can verify that you are 10:49.

  27. So no freedom of speech when it doesn't cater to your narratives. As despicable as it may be a person has the right to not pledge allegiance to the flag. To not allow this would make us similar to North Korea

  28. Blogger A4roThunder said...
    So no freedom of speech when it doesn't cater to your narratives. As despicable as it may be a person has the right to not pledge allegiance to the flag. To not allow this would make us similar to North Korea

    September 12, 2016 at 2:26 PM

    It's not about if they say or not say it. It's been explained a 100 times but some people just refuse to understand..


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