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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Report calls for routine psychiatric testing of police officers

BALTIMORE —A recent Baltimore grand jury report is recommending routine mental health psychological evaluations be mandatory for all police and correctional officers.

Periodic testing is meeting resistance from the police union. Those opposed cite costs and expressed fear that city officers will be fired because psychiatric testing is not standardized.

The bi-annual Baltimore grand jury report found that since April 2015 riots, city officers are overwhelmed, overworked and underpaid. The grand jury wrote that the Baltimore Police Department is facing a staff shortage, and officers can't request time off unless it is an emergency or a funeral.

The report stated: "They should be arguing, where is my mental health? Where is my break? Sit me on a desk for a day! Let me breathe! They are tired and afraid for their own safety and security."



  1. They should start with Mosby and include drug testing too.

  2. They will file workman comp then file for medical retirement and receive 66 2/3 tax free retirement.

  3. I think that is a great idea for many reasons. I would like to see it used as a pro-active measure and not just for any punishment reasons. For example, if they are over-worked to the point where it affects their judgement they could get a day off or desk duty or something where they are removed from stressful situations or at least put in a less stressful area until they catch their breath so to speak.

    And if someone is really having mental health issues it could be caught and addressed before something terrible happens.

    Anytime a union is opposed to something that should automatically be a reason to take a closer look. They are motivated by power and money, not the well-being of their members or society.

    I think it could be a useful tool if used correctly and not as a weapon.

  4. They need to start with the Law Makers!

  5. And I not fit take away all gun rights! Time to show the law they're no better than anyone else! But the Unions will fight this tooth an nail! They know half their comrades are looney!

  6. Start with the White House and then Congress, and the police officers will be fine.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And I not fit take away all gun rights! Time to show the law they're no better than anyone else! But the Unions will fight this tooth an nail! They know half their comrades are looney!

    September 17, 2016 at 10:46 PM

    I don't advocate for anyone to lose any of their rights. If they find a problem correct it. Get them help or training. If that doesn't work, terminate them, as a last resort. One should be judged on what he has done, not on what he MIGHT do.


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