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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Prominent Author: France Preparing For "Civil War" Against Muslims

Secret plan to "clean up" the country

French authorities are preparing for “civil war” against Muslims in order to “clean up” the country, according to prominent author Éric Zemmour, who claims a high placed government source told him of the plan.

Franco-Algerian Zemmour gave an interview with French radio station RTL during which he revealed details of a program called “Operation Ronces,” developed in coordination with the Israeli Army based on their experiences in Gaza.

The French government has been secretly preparing for a “civil war” against Muslims as a way to “clean up” the country in response to numerous riots and terror attacks in recent years, claims Zemmour, who characterizes the plan as a “new reconquista on their own soil”.



  1. We need a civil war against Democrats.

  2. In view of the notice several European governments gave to their citizens, telling them to immediately begin to stock 5-10 days of food, water, and other supplies, it doesn't sound that far fetched.
    I wonder if the French will ask the U.S. to sell them a few hundred million rounds of high powered ammo. It seems they can't find any of that any where else, and they heard Homeland had a couple of billion rounds just sittting around....waiting....
    Keep cheering.


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