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Sunday, September 18, 2016

RED ALERT: See The Video Of Hillary Collapsing That Is Being Censored


  1. We got everyone in our prayer chain praying she dies in her sleep this week.

  2. She ain,t going to make it to Nov. 8th.

  3. Sorry, but I can't find any YouTube sites that seem censored in relation to this medical event. There must be at least 30 that seem fully intact. The censorship is in the MSM, who is minimizing this near-collapse that would have been a full collapse had she not had two burly USSS agents holding her up and drag her to the van.

  4. I have to admit, I have been skeptical about this story. After yesterday, I am starting to think she is covering up early stage M.S.

    1. Hide and sick
      Hillirays new moto.

  5. There is a lot of coverage of the body double who appeared a couple of hours after the incident in this video. The lady is obviously not Hillary.
    A very poor body double in my opinion.

    Some sources are now suggesting without any evidence of course, that Hillary may have died yesterday after the incident in this video.

    Very interesting times. We have a major political party in America lying to the public about the nomination of this person, and now lying about the person's ability to do the job - ability to remain upright.
    This is crazy.

  6. I like how most media including conservative msm are saying she nearly passed out. She didn't nearly pass out she full fledged totally passed out.

  7. It was censored this morning on the Drudge Report, and then he was able to bring it back. You Tube tried to take it down. To late! Recorded by too many people!

    1. Blame it on the bangazi video.lol

  8. The vultures are circling in the Democratic party! Now a fight between Biden and Kaine. Former Saunders supporters as well. Should be interesting. Alex Jones has rumors that she had a stroke or has died. They are in Damage control. Check out the Drudge report.

  9. Maybe she is tweeting, she says somethings that sounds as if she maybe smoking the wacky tobobacky!

    1. Maybe sharing obamas daughters weed.

  10. Sorry ment tweaking on the wacky tobobacky

    1. Either comment is idiotic. Do us all a favor a stay at the children's table moron.

  11. Watch her shoes, they don't get blocked out. After she goes down her feet flip with her toes pointing backwards. She is totally unconscious and being dragged.

  12. Most definitely terminal.

  13. Compare the two videos. One the van pulls up on driver side, the other, passenger side. Even the lapel pins change from left to right.
    Two different scenes. Why was this incident staged?


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