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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Harry Reid Throws Tantrum Over Trump on Senate Floor

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid blasted Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump from the floor of the Senate on Thursday calling him a “con artist,” a “spoiled brat,” and a “human leech.”

Reid joins former President Bill Clinton, President Obama, and other high-profile Democrats who have been attacking Trump while Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton recovers after passing out during the 9/11 ceremony in NYC on Sunday.

“Trump is a human leech who will bleed the country and sit at his golf resort laughing at the money he has made, even though working people have been hurt and ruined,” Reid said echoing President Obama’s comments in Philadelphia on Tuesday. “Trump doesn’t understand the middle class. How could he? How could he understand working people, because he’s only out for Donald Trump.”

The tirade was vintage Reid who has become known for his vitriolic and partisan speeches from the Senate floor. “He [Trump] is a spoiled brat, raised in plenty, who inherited a fortune and used his money to make more money,” ranted Reid. “And he did a lot of it by swindling working men and women.”

Reid is serving out his final months in the Senate after not seeking reelection in Nevada this year. Reid also told the Washington Post in an interview published Wednesday that Trump couldn’t get a gaming license — a claim that even the Washington Post had to correct.



  1. If he wasn't a senator, Harry Reid would probably be in an assisted living facility with one of those alarm things attached to him that goes off when he tries to get up and wander around.

    He's a certified idiot.

  2. Who cares. Just another democrat and as every decent person knows their isn't a democrat alive who is not a pathological liar. They are all bad people and keeping that in mind this is just another thing said by them to brush off. They aren't worth the time or concern of us decent people.

  3. I think he meant Obama.

  4. Didn't Harry Reid start out as a D.C. cop?

  5. And I would ask Mr. Reid, how rich are you? Like he has any idea about the middle class. At least Trump earned his wealth in business, and not though the corrupt dealings of Congress.

  6. Reid is a human leech and a certified A**hole!!!! Just ask the ranchers in his state of Nevada. Tried to take away their lands for a Chinese Solar farm!!! Total POS should be tried and hung for treason!!! He's done more to hurt the economy and take jobs away than any other senator! He is the reason Trump is winning!

  7. 10:42...Ditto!
    Career politicians....go away Harry!

  8. How much money has Reid made while being a "public servant"?

  9. Sure going to miss him and Obama, Hillary and the Attorney General.

  10. He is on way out in more ways than one. Good riddance.

  11. 10:42AM
    Now that's funny!

  12. Dirty Harry has always been wacky, but losers are really having a bad time with supporting Clinton. They are now down to 'desperation'.

  13. Dirty Harry go retire and i hope one of those American ranchers stomps on you for taking there land you POS.


  14. Hope Dingy Harry takes up exercising again...soon!

  15. The old turd was a fighter when he wore a younger mans clothes. Suppose to have been a boxer, guess he took too many gabs to the cerebral cortex.

  16. Those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

  17. When "we, the people" amass a fortune on a salary of fairly normal (relatively speaking) amounts, the IRS is turning the Hubble telescope on us and making sure that somehow, somewhere, we didn't cheat our way to the top, steal something, or maybe hide some drug money proceeds.
    Might even do it every year.
    BUT, be a Senator and you can make MILLIONS and your family can, too. SIX of his children are lobbyists in Congress, each making over $100,000 a year. You know why they are paid so well, right?
    And the IRS doesn't look at them at all.
    PRISON for you and me.
    A pension, world class medical care for life, "consulting" fees in the millions, speeches at $200,000 a pop (bribes being paid, thats all), armed killers protecting your every move, and a life of luxury for them.
    Two Sets of Laws.
    Keep cheering.

  18. Can't stand this POS. He need to craw back into the roach motel he crawled out of.

  19. Harry Reid had better make a friend of Trump because when his brother beats him up again, he will yell for David TRUMP.


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