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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Obama: I Will Consider It ‘Personal Insult’ to My ‘Legacy’ If You Don’t Vote For Hillary

Saturday night at the 46th Annual Legislative Conference Phoenix Awards Dinner of the Congressional Black Caucus, President Barack Obama told the audience it would be a “personal insult” to his legacy if they did not vote for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Obama shouted, “My name may not be on the ballot but our progress is on the ballot... I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy, if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good sendoff? Go vote!”



  1. More concerned about his "legacy" than pointing out what the Democratic party is planning to do to make your life and that of your children better. He should be at work not running around promoting his legacy on our dime!

  2. I consider your 'Legacy' to be personal insult to me. I twice voted for the GOP candidate not because of the color of your skin but because of who you were and what you wanted to do.

    I'm sitting this one out as the only thing that is left to do is watch the handle being pulled on the crapper and there ain't a dam thing I can do about that.

    Sand Box John

  3. obammy should be used to insults by now.

  4. Hillary for Prison 2016!

  5. Well get ready to get personally insulted cause that's what is going to happen. As much as Obama has insulted the American people over the last 8 years, he should be insulted.

  6. Legacy? What Legacy ? His lagacy is "The worse President In the History of Our Country". His accomplishments are - divide the public into black VS white , play golf while America burns.

  7. One more reason to vote for Trump!

  8. Well go ahead and consider it a personal assault, because that's what I'm hoping for and only wish I could vote early and often. Get out, you arrogant disgrace to America!

  9. Well go ahead and consider it a personal insult, because that is what I'm hoping for and wish I could vote early and often. Get out, you arrogant disgrace to America!

    Oh, thanking god for the hand held device that has a "mute" button or better yet off button. I do not want to see or hear such a display of anti-America crap from you or yours.

  10. BO consider yourself insulted.

  11. Your legacy is high unemployment, more government regulation, higher taxes, lack of respect in foreign relations, a joke to the world, and of course Obama Care!!! Your wife is an embarrassment! You and your wife use taxpayer money to fund your extravagant vacations, which by the way are very frequent!
    You have set race relations back over 50 years and you and your wife have proven yourselves to be racists to white people in general.
    Can't wait until your are gone. Hope you and your wife move to Cuba. You should do well there!!!!

  12. That in itself is a racist comment because it's for black people.

    This goof thinks he is a Messiah and he has to guilt the stupid ones into doing as he says.

  13. It's amazing how much guilt-tripping and whip-cracking there is among the so-called 'black leadership' now that folks are waking up and seeing how they've been had.

    Trying to get the permanent underclass back in line. The race hustlers have a lot to lose.

    I'm so happy to see that folks are not taking it anymore. Maybe our black brothers and sisters can finally get free of this democrat oppression.

    More power to you!

  14. Wouldn't dare make that statement at a VFW Convention. It's always when it a predominantly black audience. Legacy my ass.

  15. Actually what je said is "if you don't get out and vote". Nothing was said about voting for Hillary. Of course the truth has never fit your narrative.

  16. He's one to talk about being insulted; he insulted African Americans not once but twice with his avowed promise for "Hope and Change". Come on folks, "what the he** do you have to lose"?

  17. He doesn't have to worry about his legacy.People from his thinking write the history books.

  18. If Obama doesn't get her poll #s up soon he will have to make up the difference with Syrians.

  19. Consider yourself insulted!


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