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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Man dies, days after fight with police; lawyer blames cops

MIDDLE RIVER, Md. (AP) — A black man died three days after he called police to his suburban Baltimore home during an outburst of strange behavior and was punched in the face and held to the ground by officers, police and relatives said.

Tawon Boyd, 21, died Wednesday after spending three days in a hospital following the confrontation with officers Sunday morning outside his home in Middle River. Baltimore County police said in a statement that he became aggressive with officers, who used physical force to subdue him.

“They kept on grabbing on him and holding him down, and he started screaming, ‘Grandma, Grandma, they’re going to kill me,'” Linda Burch, Boyd’s grandmother, told The Associated Press. Burch, 51, had been staying with her grandson and witnessed the confrontation across the street from his home.



  1. Remember when you call the police, they ain't paid to be nice to people.

  2. so 1:42 Are you saying they get to beat you to death. I know if I beat someone this bad I am going to jail.

  3. Sounds like an OD. Drugs will cause you to hallucinate, be incredibly strong, and can lead to kidney failure.

  4. I thought cases like this is why police departments were issued Tasers. Why the excessive physical force?

    1. He put 3 police in the hospital one in critical condition and beat a women and a small child.

  5. I don't know what happened but it's getting to be too much there has to be a better way to handle unruly people.Just because some jerk has an attitude he shouldn't wind up dead. If things don't change real soon there will be a whole lot more dead cops and race relations will only get worse.

    1. You started of with saying I don't know what happened but you want change? If any of these story's were true then why don't police jam cell phones and open fire on the crowds? The reason because it's all bs. I don't appreciate you THREATING LE.

    2. Why not end with your first sentence " I don't know what happened"

  6. Must have been a problem for the police to be summoned to the location. If you don't want assistance, handle it yourself.

  7. Rut ROH!! Gonna be some rioting, I mean protesting in Baltmir this weekend.

  8. Another job well done by the Baltimore Police.

  9. 4:11 asked why not use taser. All people are not deemed useless with a taser. Just like pepper spray. Some are immune or on drugs which makes them immune to either or. This is a very small percentage of the population. Been there done that not a party when you have to react quickly to control an unruly individual so they will not create excessive bodily harm to an Officer or themselves..

  10. This man called the police himself only to be killed! That in its self should tell cops he wanted help not to die! Police are out of control! The more it applauded by ignorant cop knobbers the worse it gets! I can't wait till on of your precious white kids get drunk at a party and acts up! When he dies will you applaud then? I'm white. Republican and see the problem with police! Wake up America! Or are your eyes glazed over with cop drippings?

  11. Easy to live, comply or die, very simple.

  12. I will shed light on this from that perspective @8:28. I am middle aged white male that got into verbal disagreement and OC police showed up. When I was trying to leave as requested as soon as I was off private property I was jumped on by two officers, my reaction was to defend myself only to end up with two officers on both arms and legs while one of the first responding officers proceeded to kick my rib cage in breaking two ribs cracking another

    1. I'm quite certain you did nothing wrong when you got arrested. It's called personal responsibility. It's your fault you were arrested. It's your fault you picked a fight and lost.

    2. It was nothing more than argument with an ex girlfriend. And to avoid the outcome I was trying to comply with the law but was not allowed. I took my lumps like a man but didn't lose. If it takes 8 officers to arrest one man then I guess I lost

    3. Why did tgey wait until I was off private property?? When I agreed to leave and reached the sidewalk their response was a punch to the ribs and a face full of mace, but that's ok it was all worth breaking the punks nose and giving them a run for their money that night. Not much when it's 8 on 1 P••••••

  13. Isn't it ironic that if this thug had been white this wouldn't even be a conversation.

  14. @12:02 He wouldn't be white dummy


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