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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Hundreds of Noncitizens on Voting Rolls in Swing State of Virginia

The 2012 presidential race in Virginia was decided by just 3 percentage points, as was the next year’s race for governor. In both 2005 and 2013, fewer than 1,000 votes decided contests for Virginia attorney general.

Against this backdrop, watchdog groups have pushed local election officials in seven Virginia jurisdictions to reveal hundreds of noncitizens who are registered to vote. So far, they have found more than 550.

Potentially more could be found on the voters rolls, as the Public Interest Legal Foundation pursues a total of 20 counties and cities in the Old Dominion—a sampling of its 95 counties and 38 independent cities.



  1. And who is going to stop this fraud on election day?

  2. Just a reminder. After being outed for illegally voting and dropping out of the race before the election, Maryland Democrats still gave her over 30% of the final vote.

    March 08, 2013| The Baltimore Sun
    Former Maryland congressional candidate Wendy W. Rosen pleaded guilty Friday to voting illegallyin two elections and will serve five years probation and pay a $5,000 fine.

    The 58-year-old Rosen, who won a Democratic primary last year to challenge Republican Rep. Andy Harris in Maryland’s 1st Congressional District, cast ballots in 2006 and 2010 in Baltimore County even though her legal residence was in Florida. The revelation last September ended her run.

    The sentence is the result of a plea agreement with the Maryland State Prosector's Office. Rosen will also serve 500 hours of community service.

  3. Nothing will be done. There's no "time" before the election to hit a delete button on that already made list of illegals. They will all vote, and the "issue" will go away after the election.

  4. This is the only way the dems will win this election.

  5. These people are doing a great service by pressing secretaries of state to purge voter rolls and tighten registration, and are bringing great public awareness about how the voting process is being rigged.
    I wonder how many would actually purge their rolls without this pressure? How many dead voters have been exposed by this organization?

    They have a website at publicinterestlegal dot org that has a lot of good info and news articles.


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