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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fed up! 41,000 petition Congress to stop paying Obama while he campaigns for Hillary

More than 41,000 people are asking Congress to stop paying President Barack Obama’s salary while he campaigns for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

“We the People demand that Congress withhold President Obama’s salary, pension, travel expenses, etc. for any time he spends actively campaigning for Hillary Clinton between now and the election in November,” the petition on conservative petition site StandUnited says.

Obama plans to devote one or two days each week in October to campaign for Hillary, an unnamed clinton advisor told Bloomberg News.

“When a lame duck President reaches his last few months in office he often endorses a candidate from his party to secede him,” the petition says “Rarely however, does that same lame duck President spend weeks or even months prior to the November election actively campaigning for his successor.”



  1. here we go again. Add that to the list of things this president is not supposed to do despite the clear precedence.

  2. This is the instance where the word should be "Succeed". Right?

  3. Why We The People pay for all the family travel and their friends and family when it is not the Tax Payers responsibility. They are a bunch of lying con-artist ripping off the American tax payer.


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