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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Firm Charged Hillary Clinton For Interviews With Feds

The Denver-based tech firm that worked on Hillary Clinton’s email server billed the candidate $250 an hour for interviews its employee gave to the FBI.

According to an invoice that the tech company, Platte River Networks (PRN), submitted last September to Clinton’s accounting firm, Marcum LLC., the payment was sought for interviews that PRN employee Paul Combetta gave to the FBI.

Politico reported last November that federal investigators interviewed PRN employees in September. The employees were not identified in the article.

One item on the invoice, which was obtained by the website Complete Colorado last year, is a $3,000 charge for 12 hours worth of work for Combetta, who is identified by name and by his initials on the invoice.



  1. Why not? They are simply contractors that don't work for free. It is Clinton's connection driving a need for questioning.

  2. Expert witnesses are allowed to charge a reasonable fee plus expenses. It's about time the bitch had to pay money instead of collecting money.

  3. Did they not testify and pled the fifth. That should have only happen if they testified. They should not have any type of immunity by pleading the fifth. Charge them with the crime.

  4. How much do you think the Clinton mafia really paid them? I think there was a little side $$ paid for NOT testifying.


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