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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Donald Trump to address National Guard conference in Baltimore

BALTIMORE —Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will be in Baltimore on Monday to speak at the National Guard Association of the United States conference.

According to Trump’s campaign website, the New York businessman is expected to speak at 1 p.m. Monday at the Baltimore Convention Center.

"I think they want to hear a vision of where we're going with national security and the role of the guard in that national security strategy," said retired Maj. Gen. Gus Hargett, president of NGAUS.

A spokesman for the Maryland National Guard said that Trump is a late addition to the conference and that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was also invited, but she declined to attend.



  1. Wasn't Hillary supposed to go the west coast on Monday to fundraise - again?? That is all she cares about. Now that she has had a medical episode today, you'd think she'd cancel the trip. Bet she'll be well enough to hobnob with Hollywood. She doesn't care about the average hardworking American, only the rich and famous.

  2. Now she'll play it off as if she just slipped.If I had a video of exactly what happened my life might be worth 5 cents.

  3. Think the main stream media is now paying attention to her health issues. About time.


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