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Sunday, September 04, 2016

Delmarva's News Leader?


  1. Yeah I'm pretty sure even the sports guy can see its going to be a hurricane going by us Saturday into sunday..

  2. They have to be trained to sucker the tourist down to OC who make reservations. Then change the forecast mid week then they can't cancel.

  3. I agree with 10:26 I think WBOC does this so that people will still visit Ocean City - I mean come on to broadcast this weather report you have to be one of the dumbest forecasters in weather. Make no mistake: It is going to rain in Ocean City this weekend! Cancel if you can!!!!

  4. The national weather service is calling for bad storms over the whole mid atlantic region over the weekend. My question is where did this reject transfer from?
    How can someone who constantly gets his forecasts wrong still keep his job. Are the travel and tourism businesses putting pressure on the local weather stations for a positive forecast? I know if I was told it was going to be sunny on the weekend and had spent money on a hotel room, I would be very upset and angry because of this! Important business decisions are made based on an accurate forecast.

  5. Someone in Ocean City is paying this fool to forecast the way he does. I really feel for people who are coming to Ocean City based on this idiot's forecast! This really needs to be investigated. I even went to Wboc site just to confirm this and it is still up.

  6. Accu Weather forecast: Rain and wind all day Saturday and Sunday for the Salisbury area!!!

  7. This guy really needs to go, period. He had the nerve to make Mike apology on air because of a missed forecast predicting snow for heaven sake. Yet this blundering airbag gets it wrong on most days and that's alright. I don't see him ever saying he is sorry. WHAT A HYPOCRITE!

    His standard comment is, we really have to keep an eye on it because the forecast is too hard to call at this time. WRONG! The forecast is too hard for HIM to call not the forecast is too hard to call.

    WBOC just loves to show the THREE weathermen at the weather command center manning the computers, yet Dan, "too hard to call, the weatherman" can't seem to take command of the forecast accurately. Which begs the question what exactly is he looking at on those computers? Mike and Bryan seem to be accurate, yet the Chief just can't seem to get it right. Next question, why waste money on the chief?????

    I also notice Dan loves to espouse his knowledge regarding weather aspects, yet when it comes to forecasting, he is a dud.

  8. Are these people Fn stupid or what.

  9. KARMA "reins" again for City Hall in OC.
    Family Friendly town - HA! Hoping all the rain will flush away the trash!

    Bikes return in 2 weeks!!!

  10. still showing a great weekend as of 1pm, 9/1/16

  11. 12:26
    Dan must be having a temper tantrum!!!

  12. There really is no way to tell which direction this storm will be steered. It is best to wait until the military releases the "prediction" via the weather service.

  13. 12:26 if you're talking about the comments above you...yes. Morons generally want to talk about something they know nothing about. Its the weather....don't like it? Wait a half hour...it'll change.

  14. The weather forecasters during the summer have always been reluctant to forecast bad weather. Its been that way all my life, and I've lived here a long, long time, way longer than the current forecasters have been doing their job. Their forecasts DO have an economic impact on the local economy, and they will protect the local economy up to the point where safety and life may be compromised. At that point, the forecast will become real, and warnings will be issued. Fudging the forecast to protect the local economy, that only has the effect of inconveniencing out of town tourists, is not a bad thing. Sorry tourists, come on down anyway. You will spend much more money while you're here, if you aren't sitting on the beach all day. Yea!!!

  15. The weekend is a washout for this area and the Mid Atlantic coast according to Accu Weather and the Weather Channel. I trust them more than I trust our local forecasters! Even WBAL in Baltimore over WBOC!!!


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