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Sunday, September 04, 2016

Black Teen Assaults 5-Year-Old Girl, School Defends it as Normal Behavior: UPDATE

Father: "I'm very upset, I'm mad"

A 17-year-old black teenager on probation assaulted a 5-year-old girl on a school bus, but the school’s superintendent later tried to defend the behavior as normal.

The girl’s father, Terry Peters, said he noticed a mark on his daughter’s face when he picked her up from the school bus last week.

“People came out and they began to state to me that she got slapped on the school bus,” said Peters told WAGT. “I’m very upset, I’m mad.”

Surveillance footage shows 17-year-old Tavon Walters reach over a bus seat and use another student’s hand to hit 5-year-old Jasmine Peters on the right side of her face.



  1. Is it normal for him to get a beating ?

  2. Blacks are being winded up by the left in blaming everything thats wrong in the black community is because of whites so any time a black teen assaults a white person its supposed to be put under the rug ,blame the democrats and your family for where you are in life not a 5 yo kid PUNK.

  3. Future BLM recruit.

  4. Do it to my kid see what Happens.

  5. A 17 year old slapping a 5 year old, really? First of all he needs to pick on someone his own size and age and secondly, I would end up in jail because I'd beat the living s%&t right out of him if my 5 year old came home like that. School officials, it's called bullying and assault, what is the matter with you.

  6. A just punishment would be to let the father of the child slap this little puke around for a while. I think that is normal behavior.

  7. Tbugs lives dont matter.

  8. If she was my daughter I would go on school bus and beat his ignorant behind.

  9. This piece of garbage needs to be put in jail and be taught a valuable lesson.

    1. He wont bc he is African American.

  10. This is what happens when you send your kids to public schools.

  11. Sometimes you have to pay for justice.
    My guess is that for a few bucks this young man could be taught justice. Not very difficult at all. Probably could hire one of his own cousins to teach him.

  12. Street justice will take care of this excrement. He Better watch his back.

  13. Castration would be a NORMAL penalty. Anyone disagree? Anyone?


    The majority agrees!

  14. I'd do a few years in the pen for what I would do to him (which would take a few days).
    Does anyone think he will be a future success in anything but crime and destruction?
    Little b***h ace punk. He'll be a drop-out by this time next year and the father of a couple of kids living in the ghetto on welfare. Kids that you and I will support.
    Snatch him off the street and teach him some rules.....not ADVOCATING that, just sayin'.....

  15. At some point he will receive pay back...the sooner the better.

  16. What do we expect from a filthy animal and direct progeny from a corrupt, dishonest and disrespectful culture. His behavior is normal considering what he is! The school hit this one out of the park by acknowledging the fact that behavior such as this is perfectly acceptable because he is human garbage from filthy dishonest culture! Have we had enough yet??

  17. This has been going on since the 60s. Where have you been?? If that POS did that to my daughter he would NEVER be found! !!

  18. WTF is a 17 year old on a bus with kids??

  19. Haha. Got too Love the BOE agenda. Can you imagine if it were a White 17 yo doing this to black 5 yo??? WAKE UP PEOPLE. THE BOE IS RUN BY MINORITIES! !!!


  20. This thug was already on probation (didn't say why); should be revoked and original charges reinstated and adjudicated.

    Then he should be charged with whatever is on the books (assault, harassment, hate crime) regarding this assault, adjudicated and made to do the entire sentence.


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