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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Black Lives Matter Vows to Destroy the "Nuclear Family"

In favor of communitarian 'collective care'

The official ‘Black Lives Matter’ website vows to destroy the nuclear family and replace it with communitarian-style collective parenting.

“We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, and especially “our” children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable,” states BlackLivesMatter.com on its “guiding principles” page.

The notion of collective communities being responsible for children and not parents is an idea that has been pushed by the leftist establishment before, most notably during a piece for MSNBC by Melissa Harris-Perry in which she said the notion that kids belonging to their parents was outdated.



  1. Bring it on, mellisa your first.

  2. Like permanent daycare? But with government indoctrination and intervention at every turn.

  3. And that's why Melissa Harris Perry doesn't work for MSNBC. She make dumb statement. My beautiful smart respectful and well behave children will NOT be raise by a village. My children will learn what's right, wrong, the good, the bad, the who, what, when, where, why, how come and solution from their father and me. I'm their mother. I'll be so glad the BLM movement dies out. These people are crazy and the Devil's pawn. I'll be glad when the election is over. When those Grants, Corporate monies and George Soros are finish with these dumb ed-u-ma-ca-cum street hollering wimps, this group will be DONE. Looking forward to PEACE.

  4. Bring it on aholes!

  5. Sounds like communism. Get them young for brain washing.

  6. that is one of the dumbest things i have ever heard. and what do they mean by "our" children? only black children? come near me and my white nuclear family, and there will be less you have to raise in your village.

  7. I have repeatedly stated on this blog that BLM is not about saving the the lives of black people. It is totally about Marxist revolution. Believe me now?

  8. Can't raise em,dont make em.

  9. BLM is whatever Soros wants it to be, plain and simple. One good thing about this election cycle is more people have been educated about Soros the scumbag.

  10. Communes. Communism.

  11. It was Hilliary that originally said that "it takes a village" back in the 90's. This BLM BS is just a way of saying that there is no need for a "baby daddy" and that all of the women will raise the children. I would like to know how that has worked out thus far? Do they want to set up communities in the woods and live off the land or just continue with section 8 housing and welfare?


    1. Yup and a a paid uneducated welfare vote.

  12. Anything and everything to avoid looking directly in the mirror, until black people face themselves things will be ugly. Instead of looking outward for excuses for unacceptable behavior look inwards.Many times no matter your race if you are surrounded by problems at least part of the problem lies with you.

  13. ...because the collective approach has worked so well for them thus far...

  14. @September 9, 2016 at 10:56 AM, your comment was complete and total nonsense. First, African countries became "3rd world countries" after WHITE COlONIALISM. Second BLM isn't calling for the disbandment of police, we are calling for the end of police brutality and a overhaul of the policing in this country because even the FBI states that policing in this country has been infiltrated by White Supremacist.

    1. LOL Hate to tell you this but your own people sold you to the europeans, FACT, are you telling us africans lived like kings and queens prior to be so called enslaved ? Lol black thuhs are being killed by cops 99.9% justified but your dont complain about blacks killing blacks 100% of the time ,you are another bad excuse of a humanbeing who refuses to move on in life because the.man is holding you down, NO your holding yourselves down as are the idiots you follow DEMS.

    2. What about leaders of BLM calling for white people to be killed? What about a member of the KKK is funding the group? Describe to me what a terroist group does?

    3. You hate white people just admit to it. Everything you say is factually untrue because your trying to justify this deep hatred you have towards people of white color. I'm very proud to be white however it is very difficult in 2016 because I'm being oppressed at every turn for color of my skin. So be honest. FYI I love everyone even you.

  15. Hippies have already done this. It was called communes. It didn't work then and of course it won't now. Villages will raise kids? Hell you all can't even get a single family unit to raise a kid.

  16. BLM.your time is almost up.

    Trump 16.

  17. Takes a.village as in the bmore projects ? How is that working out ??

  18. They are being taught at a young age by there raciat grandparent to hate the white man but take there welfare $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  19. We are quietly building our arsenals and forming militia groups.

  20. They are describing the Muslim family... one male with several females "not related" drawing govt assistance, each claiming as many children as possible.. Now do you see why they love this country so much?

  21. It's just an easy out for something that too many black males have been doing with increasing frequency, which is abandon their children and the children's mothers. Every kid, especially boys, needs a father figure.

  22. It's just an easy out for something that too many black males have been doing with increasing frequency, which is abandon their children and the children's mothers. Every kid, especially boys, needs a father figure.


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