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Sunday, September 11, 2016

A Viewer Writes: A 6 Car Collision 9-9-16

Passed a 6 car pile up about 1:10 on 13 bypass north, just before route 50 merge lane. Came back southbound, traffic backed up to route 12. Many u turning in median, some getting ticketed for that. A big mess!


  1. what else do you expect when the have 2 lanes into a single lane at an onramp

    very poor planning by SHA

  2. I believe the accident was on the bridge before exit to rt 50 East. I saw 2 cars... was a real bad rear ender. Plus it was 1 lane at the time due to construction. I went by at about 2:20 and only saw 1 car left on bridge getting hooked up to rollback (the one that was rear ended) But did see the car on roll back heading south while stuck in traffic.

  3. Malfunction Junction!

  4. People don't know how to merge here, have no idea what "acceleration lane" or "deceleration lane" means. They sit there stopped with a blinker on and cause everyone to get upset and out of sync and forced to go around them.

    There's a book called "Rules of the Road" that they need to read.

  5. Sign says 55 but most do 75.

  6. People don't know the rules of the road anymore...Ever notice how a lot of people are confused at a 4 way stop ?

  7. cannot count the number of times they have replaced a mangled guard rail in front of Royal Farms at white Lowe road.

  8. Just imagine if y'all had to drive on a 6-8 lane freeway....

  9. No, 724, we're not putting up another stoplight there. Learn to drive, or take the back roads into town. There is an acceleration lane provided in both directions, learn how to use them!

  10. To 6:25 - Someone on here said only one lane was open due to construction. It's people like you who are in such a hurry that you push into a merge where there is NO place to merge that CAUSE the accidents. The person waiting with caution (with blinker on) for a safe merge is the sensible one. I hate it when some idiot recklessly pulls in front of me cutting me off! So if you persist in pulling out in front of cars going 65 to 70 mph, then it is you who may be killed or injured, along with other innocent people, in one of those unfortunate accidents. As for me, I will not be pulling out in front of any flying cars, merge or no merge. Use some caution and common sense.

  11. 8:06 It's obvious you don't know how to merge. So stay off the highway.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just imagine if y'all had to drive on a 6-8 lane freeway....

    September 9, 2016 at 7:50 PM

    They would be in the left furthermost lane going 10mph below the lane of travel speed.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No, 724, we're not putting up another stoplight there. Learn to drive, or take the back roads into town. There is an acceleration lane provided in both directions, learn how to use them!

    September 9, 2016 at 8:00 PM

    Good luck with that. They don't even know which position to be in at the intersection. (do not go past the middle)

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:06 It's obvious you don't know how to merge. So stay off the highway.

    September 9, 2016 at 9:13 PM

    Actually, it is YOU that seems not to know how to merge safely if you disagree with him. You don't jump out in front of someone if there is not enough time and space to do so safely. If someone has to touch their brakes because of something you did, you did it wrong.

    Look it up and learn or YOU stay off the highway.

  15. Thank you 12:03 for your sensible support. I'd definitely rather be a passenger in your car than someone like @9:13 who plays high speed risky dodge ball. (I'm @8:06).

  16. The purpose of an acceleration lane it to get up to the same speed as the highway traffic so that merging is done at a relative speed of zero mph. When you stop in that lane with your blinker on, you risk being in a high speed collision.

    Look it up and learn or YOU stay off the highway, 12:03 am!


    1. Thanks for making my point. 8:06 & 12:03 are obviously clueless on proper merging procedures.

  17. 8:06... Maybe, you should look up what the meaning of merge is. You probably own a Prius and can't get up to highway speeds fast enough on an on ramp to merge safely. People like you are the ones that are dangerous and cause everyone behind you to slam their brakes on because you can't comprehend the meaning of MERGE!!!!

  18. Merge has nothing to do with yield learn the difference

  19. When you enter a road or highway you think everyone should get out of your way wtf

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The purpose of an acceleration lane it to get up to the same speed as the highway traffic so that merging is done at a relative speed of zero mph. When you stop in that lane with your blinker on, you risk being in a high speed collision.

    Look it up and learn or YOU stay off the highway, 12:03 am!


    September 10, 2016 at 7:22 AM

    Since you and a couple of others are too lazy and arrogant to look it up yourselves....

    “Traffic on the freeway has the right of way. There is no law that requires a driver occupying the right lane on the freeway to move over, slow down or take any other action to let a merging vehicle on the freeway.”

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Merge has nothing to do with yield learn the difference

    September 10, 2016 at 10:21 AM

    You are wrong and I hope I never have to drive near you. Since drivers on the highway already have the right of way, anyone who cannot safely merge has to YIELD until safe to MERGE. And that would include stopping if needed.

    No wonder roadways are such a mess. People don't even understand the basics.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Merge has nothing to do with yield learn the difference

    September 10, 2016 at 10:21 AM

    I can only give you the correct and legal way to yield and merge. It's up to you to implement it. But instead of having to prove who is correct about the definition of terms and the legally correct way to do something, I think it would be better for all if everyone would just leave their egos home and cooperate with each other on the highways. Everyone will get to where they are going and the drive will be less stressful.

    Merge With Caution.

    Always check for an opening early whenever you are merging onto a roadway. Do a head check first, to find a spot. Keep checking the traffic in front of you to make sure it is not slowing or stopping. Check your spot again, and merge into the traffic.

    The "yield" sign means exactly that, you must yield the right of way to the through traffic and stop if necessary. The through traffic is not required to yield to any entering traffic. Courtesy and responsibility is expected of all who use Maryland's roadways.

    In traffic engineering, the late merge or zipper method is a convention for merging traffic into a reduced number of lanes. Drivers in merging lanes are expected to use both lanes to advance to the lane reduction point and merge at that location, alternating turns.
    The late merge method contrasts with the early merge method. A related scheme is the dynamic late merge.
    The late merge method has not been found to increase throughput (throughput is the number of vehicles that pass through a point in a given period of time). However, it considerably reduces queue ("backup") length (because drivers use the ending lane until its end) and reduces speed differences between the two lanes, increasing safety.[1]
    Governments hold campaigns to promote the late merge method because irritation, aggression and feelings of insecurity easily occur while "zipping". Often drivers who change lanes too early do not like to see other drivers continue until the end of the drop-away lane, even though this late merging is encouraged by the authorities. In Belgium and Germany, a driver can be penalized for not using the late merge method. In Austria only where a traffic sign so indicates.
    Most states in the United States require merging traffic to yield to through traffic which already exists in the lane they wish to enter. This further complicates the common understanding of proper merging protocol, as even though zipper merging is widely encouraged, those doing so are still legally required to yield, and those who choose not to let them merge are not technically doing anything wrong legally.

  22. Wait until one side of the bypass is closed and 2 lanes on one side occurs.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wait until one side of the bypass is closed and 2 lanes on one side occurs.

    September 11, 2016 at 8:13 AM

    There is already two lanes on EACH side. I think what you meant is wait until two lanes, one of which is opposing the other?

  24. Mouth breathers....

  25. How do you know what they are getting ticketed for??

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Mouth breathers....

    September 11, 2016 at 1:32 PM

    well everyone can't go to an Ivy League college like you right

  27. I was in that back up..Why would they not close the entrances onto the by-pass when there is a mess like that. It took me one hour to get from Fruitland to Delmar. I made a u-turn and went back to Snow Hill road exit. I probably would have sat there 2 hours had I not exited when i got the chance. smh

  28. 9:01 I didn't go to an Ivy League college because there are none. They are universities not colleges as they offer doctoral degrees.

    It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:01 I didn't go to an Ivy League college because there are none. They are universities not colleges as they offer doctoral degrees.

    It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.

    September 12, 2016 at 3:12 AM

    omg you are ridiculous.


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