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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Baseball Catcher Suspended For Tweets Against Black Lives Matter

The first amendment rights apply to Colin Kaepernick, who refused to stand for the national anthem, but it hasn’t worked for a baseball catcher who spoke out against the Black Lives Matter riotings.

Steve Clevenger, a backup catcher for the Seattle Mariners, has been suspended without pay for the rest of the season over remarks he made on Twitter this week. He was informed Friday of the suspension.

“Black people beating whites when a thug got shot holding a gun by a black officer haha (expletive) cracks me up! Keep kneeling for the Anthem!” one of Clevenger’s tweets read.

“BLM is pathetic once again! Obama you are pathetic once again! Everyone involved should be locked behind bars like animals!” another tweet read.
Mariners general manager Jerry Dipoto said, “The Seattle Mariners are very disappointed at the tweets posted on Steve Clevenger’s account. While he is certainly free to express himself, his tweets do not in any way represent the opinions of the Seattle Mariners. We strongly disagree with the language and tone of his comments. As soon as we became aware of the tweets posted by Steve yesterday we began to examine all of our options in regard to his standing on the team.”



  1. This is OUTRAGEOUS! He spoke the truth and got punished for it while several NFL players are disrespecting our country because they are weak-minded and have bought into the BLM/Muslim Anti-American CRAP!

    1. Well said. A white man doesn't stand a chance anymore.

    2. There's where you are quite wrong.

      That is what the liberals and the self-centered black mobs want you to believe. The white man needs to stop listening to the fools and racists, and draw upon his strength of character, intelligence, and proud history of self-reliance and innovation to rise above the degeneracy that the mainstream media demands be "the new normal".

  2. stop watching that garbage

  3. It simple. Whites not only are held to a higher standard but are a higher standard. And there is something called black privilege that was formed about 8 yrs ago. Just as white privilege has always existed. White privilege is working,owning homes , owning nice cars, making good money with good educations, so on n so on! All due to the natural dna programming we have. Black privilege is well just the opposite.

  4. Thank you Mr. Steve Clevenger!!

  5. white males are the most endangered species on our planet at this time :(

  6. Crazy like a fox!!! This dude was a 30y/o third string backup player on his way out anyway. Now he has the luxury of filing a lawsuit against the Mariners and MLB for refusing his constitutional right especially on a private social account.

  7. Saying all that what are you prepared to do about it??? Nothing that's why it exists and has progressively gotten worse

  8. Thank you Steve. It pisses the liberals off because he is right.

  9. 3:58
    Good for him....hope he does and wins!

  10. Gave up on football, well gess im done with baseball too.

  11. Whotes have been slaves to the black man since the progressive era started.....White man works, blacks have babies collect welfare off white man's wages

  12. NFL has set a precedent for pro sports. He should sue the Mariners until they are bankrupt. Where is DOJ on this blatant Discrimination case? Oh I forgot he is white and does not have freedom of speech. DOJ will not touch anything that is not black. I have not and will not watch, listen or buy anything football this season.

  13. Please support this guy, he is one of ours!! Be proud of Steve!

    Early life
    Clevenger was raised in Glen Burnie, Maryland, attended Overlook Elementary and graduated from Mount Saint Joseph High School in 2004. He was the starting shortstop on the school's varsity baseball team which won the Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) A conference championship in his senior year.

    On August 17, 2015 he became the first Baltimore native to hit a home run for the Orioles at Camden Yards.

  14. I hate this country! The Civil War can't get here quick enough!

  15. So it's wrong to fire him but what jerry jones did is honorable? You white people crack me up. Talk so stupid. And white privilege comes from slaughtering total races of people.
    Thia thing with the police reminds me of the biblical stories of the pharaohs killing all hebrew boys under a certain age. He didnt want his slaves to multiply in great numbers and take over his kingdom. One slave prevailed, his name was Moses. Moses returned and save the slaves years later by killing pharaohs entire army by drowning them in the sea.
    Moral to this story is you cant defeat your oppressor with protest. Thats why the put in the constitution that we should protest. No country in the world solves problems with protesting, they go to war and kill the oppressor. #Facts

  16. Now you are in trouble for speaking against terrorism... Fascists.

  17. Wow. Adam Jones recently stated something about about Baseball being a white man's sport. He is still playing. Not suspended. So only certain races can voice their opinion now ,what a shame for our country.

  18. BOO HOO here we go again @7:27. I'm black I'm being treated differently so let's go on looting and terririzing spree!! I'll be glad when this thing finally comes to a head and all out civil race war starts and gets things back in line

  19. Anonymous said...
    Wow. Adam Jones recently stated something about about Baseball being a white man's sport. He is still playing. Not suspended. So only certain races can voice their opinion now ,what a shame for our country.

    September 25, 2016 at 9:12 AM

    Because Adam Jones is black and they are untouchable.

    BTW I don't like Adam Jones any longer. Racist Koon!


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