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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Will Smith: 'Cleanse' America of Trump supporters


  1. I think we should cleanse ourselves of morons like Will (I'm a dumbass) Smith.....

  2. Your new movie sucks, almost as badly as the one you made as a vehicle for your little talent son.
    And I have no faith in your political stance.

  3. He would be supportive of the democratic trans afenda with his son and his gender confusion

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I think we should cleanse ourselves of morons like Will (I'm a dumbass) Smith.....

    August 15, 2016 at 7:28 PM

    I do too. They are not doing it fast enough

  5. Will Smith along with all the Hollywood scum need to shut up. People need to stop endorsing those assholes and maybe they will go away. Their egos and opinions are to large and they have to much influence on weak minded people.

  6. Has it wrong they should eliminate all Democrat supporters especially Hillary supporters. They should be stripped of their citizenship, and shipped off to Siberia

  7. Boycott anything will smith.

  8. I'd like to see a 10 round cage match between Will and Denzel.Make the prize a decent movie role.

  9. Will, are you still in Saudi Arabia? Give some thought to staying.

  10. Will is so clueless.

  11. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 15, 2016 at 9:52 PM

    Will Smith is an Hollywood actor, who has not make any good movies in last 10 years, so maybe he should focus on his career. As far as his political opinion, it's obvious he has turned into useful idiot of Liberal Propaganda. SMH.

  12. Will is watching to many of his OWN MOVIES pos.

  13. He was paid to say that about the saudie's and paid again to stump for the socialist commies. I hope it was worth the $50. you spineless whore.

  14. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 16, 2016 at 1:30 AM

    Another Hollywood Has-Been "Actor" trying to tell American people what to think. Those Crooked Democ-rats are paying him good and turned him into another Useful Idiot.

  15. I would be mad too if my kids where freak turds.

  16. Will move to a ISIS country they love black people .?


  17. Brains filled to the top from WWTP inlet.

  18. Ahh!! Back to his roots. Philadelphia! !! Typical racist from Hollywood.

  19. What branch of military service did this clown serve? Fool is probably not registered to vote, but has a right to speak and appear drummer than he even looks. This is one reason I haven't seen his work and I didn't even know it. Waste...

  20. Farrakhan's boyfriend.

  21. Stupid is as stupid says.

  22. And she said Will Smith has no responsibility to the American people that watch his movies. Quit watching his movies anything comes out at the theater do not go to. That's how we Americans can control also with these idiots think they are entitled to express because they're so important and we are not. Make your feelings known don't go to any Will Smith movies. He's gotten rich off of us time to cut the money line with his arrogance that he displays we can do it

  23. will smith life doesn't matter

  24. Another racist black actor. I will boycott him and the new independence day movie that is coming out.

  25. If you have noticed, a lot of ex-actors are hard up for money and selling their endorsements to anyone with enough money to make it worth while.. And those who refuse are dying from "unknown" causes, like suicide or accidents..

  26. That sounds like a threat of genocide. And his movie concussion sucked.

  27. Genocide?? What?? I don't get the drift..

  28. Actors are just that: ACTORS who get paid for saying their lines....


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