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Sunday, August 21, 2016

The following statement is by an anonymous individual

“I believe that Hillary Clinton will win the election in November. Then, sometime between November and January, Hillary will be indicted. The IRS is now investigating the Clinton Foundation and the whole e-mail thing isn’t over yet. Once under indictment she won’t be able to assume the Office of the President in January. Tim Kaine, who will not actually be the Vice President because neither he nor Hillary have been inaugurated, cannot assume the Presidency. The Speaker of the House can’t move up to it because there is already a sitting President and Vice President. So President Obama, in an Executive Order citing 'emergency situation,' gives himself another four years in office is the only way possible.”

Obama has been planning this for a while now, knowing he has enough on Hillary to indict her. Had the Attorney General indicted her based on evidence from the FBI, the plan wouldn’t have worked because the DNC would have quickly come up with another candidate.

If you think about it, it’s not that outrageous. Many people on the left, including the President, want Obama to stay another four years. The law prohibits him from being re-elected so the only 2 ways he can do it is either by declaring martial law and suspending the election (which would be a very negative thing for the country) or to declare himself still President because the elected candidate cannot assume her duties.

The latter makes more sense and is actually more feasible. And since it’s never been done before, it would set a precedent that would be difficult to challenge.

Of course, if Trump wins the election none of this is going to happen. But what if he is correct? Four more years of Obama and a mostly useless Republican House and Senate would give Obama the time he needs to continue destroying the country to fit his stated goals."


  1. You're nuts Hillary is never going to be elected it will be revolution

  2. Well, I knew something was a foot, but I was leaning more towards the martial law thing, I mean after all, all the cops are becoming the military and treat people like it is a war going on... So who's to say it isn't going to be martial law, the elite are not going to spend all that kind of money and making those kinds of things and not use them...

  3. Many of us have been saying this since last year.

  4. One major fallacy in your argument...there is no law against Hillary, or anyone else, serving as President if they are under indictment. In fact, there is no law against a convicted felon serving as President, either. The House of Representatives is the only body that can impeach (indict) in this case and the Senate is the only body that can convict.

  5. It goes to the next person in cabnet. Obama and his vice would not be eligible and would have zero power by law. Long line of Cabinet members the power is passed on to by Law.

  6. I am just wondering, if anyone of these posters on this Blog,
    has a TRUMP SIGN IN THERE YARD, or ever a Make America great again

  7. dear 5:29
    do you have a sign in your yard ? I do .

  8. I think everyone is wrong. Donald will win by a landslide in spite of all the liberal smoke and mirrors. Hillary simply doesn't have that much of a turnout outside the DNC organization. Her crowds are pathetic compared to Trump and I've yet to see a single bumper sticker of support for her. In contrast, Trump speeches bring crowds, he does lots of press briefing, and he does not's of in your face rallies. What's Hillary done? A Podcast.... C'mon!

  9. I have not posted, but do have and wear a red cap of Trumps.

  10. Unfortunately, hillary will probably win. I did not think Trump could win and was not a supporter. Supporting him now because he is our cnadidate, but do not think he will win unless there is some type of event such as financial melt down or major terrorist attack.

  11. Are you people insane. Hillary WILL NOT WIN.

  12. Trump will win the landslide of popular votes, but the voting machines will put Hillary on the Throne. This Commenter opens up a real possibility, but will We, the People stand against the rigged election?

    Time will tell. Right now, we know the FBI and the DOJ are ignorant jokes, and Trump is telling us and the video posted today here proves that the election can be rigged.

    How far will we be pushed before pushing back?

  13. If Trump loses and any of these scenarios occur you can only blame the Republican Chameleons for not supporting the nominee which has always been the case until these "cry babies" of this years candidates that run and lose.

  14. Hillary will win because of rampant fraud. Gathering illegals to vote, making promises she knows she'll never keep, etc. And Trump is his own worst enemy and I wouldn't put it past him to accept a bribe from Hillary to back out of the race with her paying back his spent campaign expenses. He mentioned last week that it would be no big deal if he loses. He'll just go on vacation. That's a problem coming from a major party nomination for POTUS!

  15. They are manipulating the polls now, so when the rigged voting machines change the votes to Hillary they can say she was winning in the polls.

  16. Trump signs are everywhere. I see NO Clinton signs. Maybe I haven't spent enough time in the grossly ignorant areas, but I don't believe Clinton will win.

  17. I would love to have a Trump sign in my yard; however, my neighborhood does not allow political signs in the yard. Where can I get a Make America Great again hat? Is the Republican headquarters going to be opening soon? And if so, what location?

    TRUMP 2016!!!!


  18. Obama is ineligible to continue, per Constitutional Amendment 22. Amendment 25 deals with a vacancy in President or Vice-President due to removal, resignation, disability or death.

    There will be an election in November.

    The Electoral College will meet in December; their votes actually determine who wins the election.

    Based on what we've seen so far FBI, DOJ and Obama don't seem the least bit interested in pursuing anything Hillary has done or failed to do. Cries that 'The Fix is in' aren't refuted by their actions or inactions.

    She could probably rob the same banks as Bonnie and Clyde, while stopping to mug for the security cameras without fear of arrest. That's how bad it is!

    Grand juries move slowly and almost always require presentations by a prosecutor to get the ball rolling. No evidence of that. Bear in mind Federal prosecutors serve at the pleasure of the President. And AG Lynch was part of Bill Clinton's legal defense team way back when.

    If she were indicted, tried, found guilty between now and end of Obama's term, she could still be sworn in if she had the most electoral votes. It wouldn't be pretty. In that circumstance Kaine would have been chosen VP but would not be in a position to step up until she had been sworn in and then removed or resigned.

    If something takes her off the ticket before the election, look for Biden or Warren to have been in the Green Room.

    Voting for Trump is the way to end the discussion.

  19. Has anyone seen a Hillary sign on the Shore?

  20. If you want to see a Hillary sign you probably have to go to the other side of the bay. After all there is no intelligent life west of the Chesapeake!

  21. I disagree totally.

    Barry has done his duty to the lords.
    He gets to move on now. He and his husband should have some time to themselves. Maybe even adopt some more children?


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