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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Why Voter Fraud is Still a Massive Problem


  1. Dead votes matter!

  2. Well? Find the S.O.B.'s and put an end to this abuse of our vote.

  3. They say most hispanics, blacks do not have an ID so that is why they do not require ID for voting. But most of these same people collect welfare and they are required by law to have ID, so that is a lame excuse. You even had to show an ID to get into the Democratic Convention. Sign was showing on TV.

  4. Where is the goof who said there were "less than a hundred documented cases of voter fraud" in the last what, 50 years??
    Imagine the power of an extra 2-3, maybe 4 million extra votes. And these are numbers that could be low estimates.
    Keep cheering.


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